Thursday, January 30, 2020


Another year, another Australia Day talks with no definite reconciliations.

First and foremost, we wish to acknowledge the traditional custodians of this land on which we live, and pay our respect to their elders past and present.
Finally, Oi! Oi! Oi, I may not be awarded the companion of AO badge of honour, but wearing that Tee-shirt. I’m just beginning to realize how Australia is a great ‘safe heaven’ for all of us who are from somewhere. We must remember that this was the country we all desired to come to for different circumstances. However, after living here, we’ve been given all the opportunities we wouldn’t rather have if we’re wherever we came from. I must stress that also the opportunities are varied and dependent on social classifications.
Nonetheless, we must say that we should be appreciative for being here considering there are lots of people who didn’t have our opportunities and some of them are still trying year after year and time is not on their side.

It’s the sanctity & crudeness of being human, stupidity, complexity, communality, mortality…and tragedy that we linger on grumbling no matter how fulfilled and comfortable we are.
So, finally, irrespective of the disparities that have existed and still remain to do so, happy and contented and hope change is happening at a slower rate than when we first landed here.

The older, the wiser, “I am, you are, and we are all Fairdinkum Aussie”!

Australia is the loveliest and prosperous country considering some other so-called third world countries that are making tremendous advances by responding to tsunami of changes that are currently sweeping the world.
However, it seems that Australia is regressing instead of progressing toward the twenty-first century. Besides refusing to become republic, still refuting to acknowledge the indigenous people by barely playing with words of reconciliation and sorry, to this day.

One of the first fundamental issues was to change the day settlers came to this country, January 26, change the constitutions and the flag to honour and include the original landowners.
Everyone came to this country long time ago and those who were born in Australia has been elected to the parliament, and because of their origin not qualified to serve the people. In the meantime, Australia’s head of state is an overseas born citizen.

It’s inexplicable and a laughing matter when all parliamentarians are of overseas origins and not the original Australians, what difference would it make? Why does it matter if our grandparents are from other countries? Maybe it’s time to face the music: “I am, you are, we are Australian”. It’s time to stop playing political gobbledygook & bickering, get on with the real job, generate and fix polices that matters most to Australia’s development. First and foremost, Australia needs to become republic if and only if it needs to disqualify its elected officials of foreign origin.

We can’t change the past but we can shape up our future only by forgiveness, empathy, compassion and reconciliation.

What we can do now is a change that course of exploration, annihilation, domination or association, or whatever you want to call it, with sincere appreciation and reconciliation to bring back everything that’s Indigenous including changing borrowed names of places.

Although, some changes should have emerged by federal government formally, individuals are already taking actions, redrafting the flag, constitution and talking about becoming republic. Some progressive local councils are favouring the notions.
There are some old fashioned, unyielding to changes, ‘If it ain't broke, don't fix it’ mindset, hesitant theorists and racially prejudiced, who staunchly opposes to any known unknowns.

We don’t know what will happen, but we should take this opportunity to congratulate those progressive front runners and local councils who have taken everything in their stride to advance Australia fairly.
It’s also good to see changes are taking place because of online information sharing accolades.


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