Saturday, January 4, 2020



Wherever you maybe, back Home or scattered around the world, now the fiesta or party, whatever you want to call it, celebrating Christmas & the New Year is over, it’s time to regroup our thoughts, think of how we could’ve done it differently to help unite abandoned friends, torn apart families, divided communities, the war torn relocation of people around the world & more importantly transform the country.
It is said that those who do not learn from past mistakes are doomed to repeat it. Many mistakes and errors have been committed by successive HABITS in the past. These mistakes need to be identified, studied and lessons drawn from them so that they will not be repeated again. We need to build collective agenda to review and correct these mistakes and undertake not to repeat them.

We must, always, remember that every difference of opinion & ideology is not a difference of principle and shouldn’t be construed as a personal vendetta and all opinions should be discussed or expressed with respect.

Playing the ethnic card game is to fall victim to destructive identity politics that breeds division, hatred, conflict, and cynicism.

The process of unifying people is difficult and the road to unity is often littered with the debris of historical grievances, animosity and resentment.
The realities today are different than they were five, ten or twenty or fifty years ago. Aligning one’s thinking and actions with the changing times (realities) and circumstances is a sign of wisdom and humane maturity.
We’ve tried everything to transform our country and nothing seemed to work. You know what, the ‘time is up’ and the only way is U-N-I-T-Y without complaining pointlessly, competing recklessly, comparing enviously, criticizing unreasonably by name calling and shaming hatefully for mistakes of the past.
Failure can be turned into an opportunity to learn and grow. I say it can, because it requires a particular attitude to benefit from our failure. Without that mentality, all our failures will go to waste. This is true in political affairs as it is in personal life for a leader as well as a follower. So what is that mentality?
It is a mentality that is willing and able to reflect on past experiences, past actions and their outcomes. It is only through such reflections that one learns one’s strengths, weaknesses and the environment and conditions in which actions were undertaken and what could have been done differently that could have resulted in a positive outcome.
Like in our past, denying (to one self and others) failures, personal accountability and scapegoating or blaming on someone will never help the progression.
Leaders with such mentality cannot educate themselves from past failures and therefore deserve no second chance to continue doing the same thing over and over again and again.
By incorporating democratic values to political party platforms with genuine intent, by employing tactics of political reconciliation through give and take, chances that such political actors can play a role in reviving the democratic fortunes of the state could be higher moving forward.
The transition from authoritarian rule towards an inclusive, accountable, and democratic governance requires not only commitment by all parties, but also carefully calculated and crafted steps and measures to bring a smooth transition towards a lasting and sustainable democracy. Democracy is more than the procedural minimums of free and fair elections under conditions of universal suffrage. It has more substantive dimensions, including effective citizenship, popular empowerment, the rule of law, functioning spirit of unity and robust institutions providing a range of public goods fairly and equitably to all citizens without discrimination and tribalism.
 If we eat together, we can work together.
Given our past traditional track records, patterns of cultural behaviours and many aphorisms of the social characterization, absolute power, hating and abandoning others just because our friends don’t like them and this favouritism tend to corrupt society, the cultural politics and both mind and spirit of those at the helm of their companions genuinely where other’s absolute influence has a tendency to encourage it. No more favouritism and let’s not repeat these vicious cycles, again. If we learn to eat together, we can learn to work together.
The distribution of powers and resources within the federal system, hence the famous nationalities question that lies at the heart of the current crisis and for almost two centuries has undermined the capacity of Ethiopians to live together. All the voices that count in the country and in the diaspora must continue to call for calm, for patience, and agreeing that change is now inevitable but needs to be given time.
All oppositions must have a certain amount of time to build their electoral mechanisms to call a free and fair election in 2020 to enable the country to step back from the unending abyss. For this to happen, a supreme authority needs to be established, emanating from all the main stakeholders, whether government, opposition or civil society, within the country and in the diaspora communities.
Irrespective of ethnic or other involvement, Ethiopian people want free and fair elections and democratically represented in policy and decision making.
The people want a complete reform not state of emergency or replacement of any of its governing officials that can only bring more rejection, insecurity and loss of lives.
That way we can save all the wise people currently nominated to replace the Ex-PM from being denigrated by the ruling elites, again and they can wait to be elected by the people democratically.
A divisive change has been tried so many times in the country’s successive past ruling elites and never been successful. Therefore, a fundamental change without creating divisions amongst its diverse people is the last resort that can bring a lasting and unwavering peace and freedom not only to the people also in the whole east African region.
Over the last 50 years of our political history, we have been let down by our politicians over and over again. Now we are saying to the so-called politicians, “Stop it! Enough is enough!” Fundamental changes are necessary to live together without dividing the country and the people. We must speak the truth and proclaim that these political groups do not possess even a basic understanding of our country and that they do not reflect Ethiopia in their conduct or decisions. Enough is enough, what’s happened in the past can’t be retrieved, let’s forgive and move forward by building bridges not restrictive boundaries.
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The song about Ethiopian prosperity & hope for its people, but never realized.
We are not going to change the country by doing things the same way again and again and again.
There are those who incessantly abuse, name and shame different ethnic group leaders just because they’re elected from our diverse ethnic groups. Even if anyone is at fault, our mindless hatemongering and untenable recommendations methods won’t help us. As Prof. Lumumba says, “Africa needs to practice a good political hygiene”. Our country should just do that, thank you.
We’ve done that in the past and it’s time to take a different route that will take us to climb the insurmountable tasks ahead in unison without seeking retribution for any crimes committed. We post all forms of holistic and inspirational messages for others and doing the opposite to inflame hate and hostility among our people.  
This fight will not be victorious through the ways of the elite but in the ways of the Ethiopian people for the sake of true democracy and the future stability of our country. Ethiopia is more than enough for her own people. It can provide joy, prosperity and the resources and means to achieve a better quality of life. If we all choose to focus on cooperation, rational decision making and wise choices, we will begin to experience a renewed Ethiopia.
The unity and connections we are going to create and the strong, transparent relationships and communication that we will establish with all people, groups and individuals are what we need to build a stronger and more secure Ethiopia. In true unity we can achieve all our hopes and dreams.
Structural changes are needed to restore confidence and respect for the coming political order, constitution and government institutions, including the politicians, judges, army officers, and so on who will be entrusted with the stable, fair and honest governance of Ethiopia.
We must keep in mind that in this modern era, people have full right to exercise their cultural heritages including their languages but it should not be to the extent that shake their own and others survival. We should not run for dominance/ knockout game rather we should appreciate our uniqueness for the benefits of everyone in the game.
The unity and connections we are going to create and the strong, transparent relationships and communication that we will establish with all people, groups and individuals are what we need to build a stronger and more secure Ethiopia. In true unity we can achieve all our hopes and dreams.
Structural changes are needed to restore confidence and respect for the coming political order, constitution and government institutions, including the politicians, judges, army officers, and so on who will be entrusted with the stable, fair and honest governance of Ethiopia.
We must keep in mind that in this modern era, people have full right to exercise their cultural heritages including their languages but it should not be to the extent that shake their own and others survival. We should not run for dominance/ knockout game rather we should appreciate our uniqueness for the benefits of everyone in the game.
Draconian rules, which undermined the rights of free expression and peaceful assembly, and prohibited any association with groups labeled terrorist organizations, such as independent media stations, ESAT TV and Radio and the Oromia Media Network. Break the rules and face up to five years in jail where torture is commonplace.
The notion of one race being superior to another is dead and buried for so long. The time of warmongering to kill each other with spears and shields is thing of the past and ...not to be repeated again.
We need to drive our actions and ideals side by side and hopefully stop the fate of repeating sins of the past –greed and power.
Our country desperately needs a renaissance, strong-willed leader, true development built on a firm foundation of human rights, inclusions and political pluralisms. Human development that caters to the needs of all our people, not only the economic growth based on a prescribed on the outdated, unjust economic model, which inevitably benefits a few, strengthens inequality, fosters corruptions and tribalism.
With the election time approaching that democracy, in its entirety, must be based on Ethiopian principles and morals not based on the Western style definition that serves only their purpose. It’s time Ethiopia can come up with a different style of democracy that serves our multiethnic population.
Abiy started his new deal of transformation, must be congratulated, with love and compassion without imprisonment and absence of freedom. Sadly, the habit of fixing everything with violence still unabated in our culture and understandably people demanded law and order to be imposed by the modern day pacifist Prime Minister. Then, when he acted to restore law and order punishing those who took advantage of his soft side, again, some people took offense and grilled his ethnicity as a reason to slander him.
The root cause of the problem must be unraveled and resolved first: a leader elected for the people, by the people and from any people–ethnic background. That’s the root of the problem and that’s what we fail to accept as one people and one country. Don’t hold your breath, don’t hold back election. Everyone must vote!
We also need to support whoever is making untenable mistakes as a human fallibility and should be corrected respectfully as part of the crusading operation for change.
It is absolutely imperative that we must not get emotional impulsively and should embrace our impatience and opinions until we participate, to identify the truth, in dynamic dialogues that transforms into actions.
“When you forgive, you in no way change the past, but you sure do change the future.”
This time, the election must be prepared wisely and performed democratically and all the Ethiopian people must be allowed to vote for their future leader unanimously. 
Let the discussions/dialogues, policies/plans, fresh/different concepts, peaceful critics…begin.
Good luck to all candidates/challengers and most of all voters.
Let’s talk the talk, if we want to pave the way for a good walk.

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