Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister H.E. Col. Goshu Wolde 1983-1986

Colonel Goshu is addressing his innovative speech with a strong passion, fierce but convincing poise, melancholic but robust voice and feisty gesticulation pleading to the US sponsored committees assembling to discuss on the fate of Eritrean referendum.

Colonel Goshu is unequivocally determined to mesmerize, name & shame and persuade the sitting, stunned, dumbfounded, and staring bemused, congress for intervention to TPLF leader for the break up & dismemberment of his country, Ethiopia, and secession of Eritrea & he emphatically warned the futility of referendum without the consent & knowledge of Ethiopian & Eritrean people.

Undoubtedly, no matter how stunned they may seem, his articulation fell into deaf ears just like todays rhetorical do-nothing leaders who like to see other dictators immerse themselves in repression, deception and corruption.
Colonel Goshu Wolde was an Ethiopian Foreign Minister, from 1983 to 1986, during the time of Marxist government. Finally, incensed by injustice, he abandons his post in 1986, at the tender age of 39, in protest of his Marxist government's policies which he finally realized an unbearable behaviour of his iron-fisted leader and defected to the US declaring that he could no longer serve under him as he advanced more and more into totalitarianism and absolute repression with no vision for improvement.

Regardless of his status and service under extremely strong orders and stubborn leader of the Marxist government, I thank Goshu Wolde for his perseverance to serve our people heroically and standing very firm to protect our country. I also admire Goshu Wolde for his intelligence and resilience for bravely confronting the giants who always make decisions based on their benefits without democratically consulting other beneficiaries.
Ethiopia needs a passionate and patriotic leader of great moral integrity like Colonel Goshu Wolde who epitomizes audacity of our people’s hope and leads them into the twenty first century.

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