Wednesday, September 19, 2018


Anybody or any leaders in the new generations are well informed and capable of accessing helpful & informative ideas thanks to the internet technology and the availability of free social media interactive information.

This testimonial is demonstrated by the election of current new breed of leaders, like the Ethiopian Prime Minister, human right activists and all others passionately involved in various parties and justice activities, around the world. These people amassed more facts and figures and most importantly educated themselves about the acceptable resolutions to proficiently manage all the problems that are causing their multiethnic societies to pity against each other.

It’s so distinctive that everything the Ethiopian Prime Minister, political parties and other activists have been articulating, from their individual personal changes to tirelessly campaigning and promoting unity in diversity with forgiveness with no vengeance, has been mentioned.
More importantly, the emergence of the term ‘Medemer’ or ‘to be counted’ and ‘Ethiopiawinet’ phenomenon, which have all been commented in a diversified expressions (various terminologies) on blogs and social medias, has been termed differently during successive revolutions or changes in the country. The notion of Ethiopia Tikedem -‘Ethiopia first’ & ‘to be counted’ task is the same. The fallout of the former was putting it into practice.
Now, we’re moving forward with openness with renewed ideology, vigor, freedom, peace, forgiveness, love and all the poignant words we’ve never heard before, we’re, hopefully, on the right ship sailing as one people in the right direction.

Our new young generations need to be informed and learn more from our historical revolutions than totally discrediting contributions of our strong generations.

I want readers to know that I’m not suggesting that everyone has been to these sites, but it’s most likely that like some of us, our shared ideologies, what we all have cherished eventually come to a crossroads reflecting our mutual intentions yearning to achieve the same welfares, ethics and principles to attain the ultimate transformations on a personal level or collectively.

Must read those words and more: 

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