Friday, April 18, 2014


We need to be mindful i.e. to be fully present in the moment and with each moment of any involvement outwardly or inwardly, be able to restore our emotional suffering and make our life come alive by attaining blissful healing, by making radical personal & social transformation, invincible liberation by freeing ourselves from our preconceived mindset & self-criticism, mental projections of all sorts imagining problems, - negative endless internal opinions & dialogues constantly reinforcing & justifying how things must turn out, prejudging situations & conversations long before they happen, if they ever happen.

We need to break free from negative emotions of the past & out-dated beliefs of inherited collective mind-patterns that have kept our parents & ancestors in captivity, without blaming anyone, creating so much of their suffering for eons manifesting in our misery today, thus transferring that into our eternal parenthood obligations. If my poor Mom & Dad only knew all the predicaments & survival kits! Thank you for everything.

Our own wellbeing is inseparable from the wellbeing of those around us. No matter how separated we are geographically, culturally or by social status, our interests are inextricably linked even with those who disheartened, disappointed, abnegated, frustrated, and you name it, us in our relationships & close encounters.
An English Philosophical Poet, John Donne, wrote, “No man is an island.” an expression emphasizing a person's connections to his or her environs. Similarly, South African philosophy of UBUNTU which roughly translates to human kindness toward others is the belief in a universal bond of sharing with all humanity replaces the simple greeting of ‘How are you?’ with the more sentimental response ‘I’m well if you are well.’

Now, create or choose a strong and dynamic affirmation, time and again, that will take you through the days, weeks, months & years and repeat it to yourself every time your head is trying to spiral.
Here is one good act to follow: “God grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference.”

I came across the highly charged Eddie James, African-American, spiritual singer, singing “awakening”, while I was writing awakening & cherry-picked him to be relevant to my focus of humanity’s pursuit of self-realization through awakening irrespective of their religious & spiritual choices or beliefs.

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