Friday, April 18, 2014


My partner and I went to see, 12 years a slave, a very compelling and emotionally rousing movie, at times tempting me to scream out or enrage, about the shameful acts humans did to another human being. A truly powerful film well directed, choreographed and acted and has to be honestly endured and appreciated for its depiction of harsh realities.

Then, again, I contained myself mindfully for the ignorance that happened for eons and insightfully observed the rest of the movie. However, my partner’s continuous sobbing about the overwhelming condition, at times, put me under extreme pressure to screech out but when the film’s actor said to his colleagues “don’t despair”, I took that as premonition and continued to see the rest of tragedies in silence.

This type of enigma does happen even among the same/different races in Africa under altered name of subjugation and despotism even, today, the same colour people oppressing each other. Victimized viewers should not feel anger or animosities toward what happened in the draconian time and check their attitudes thoughtfully in their life time. Two hundred years later, what has changed? We have to be realistic that racism still exists discreetly and hard to amplify for those honest individuals and it’s our business to do our share with NO preconditions. Hopefully, those who saw or about to see the film should not be offended or sorry about the precarious atrocities committed by ignorance and ultimately learn to move on with a renewed approach/attitude.

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