Friday, October 20, 2023



THE NEVER ENDING STOOOORYYYYY…! I can’t & am not pleased to sing the movie story.

The US’s tactical association with Israel will continue to affect the prospects of peace in the Middle East forever given its unparalleled support and everybody’s guess why has the US been so involved in the region? Does the US foreign policy in the Middle East, especially between Israel & Palestine, unequivocally and equally validated to bring peace? Do you think Palestinian rights and democracy has been equally valued as their counterparts? What have we learned from the war’s loss of lives & destructions between Russia & Ukraine?

The claims that Hamas has launched rockets against Israel is not an excuse to massacre innocent civilians & decimate everything they own, although Hamas is so frustrated that their people’s lives are confined to limited improvements, developments and impossible to make any progresses in the Middle East, doesn’t, likewise, qualify them to kill Israeli civilians out of a continuing and overwhelming anger. However, it seems that’s the only predictable routine they’ve got to scream to the world for help for so long.

On the other hand, Israel can make any type of weaponry and advancements in any areas of assailant technology, but when it comes to other countries like Syria, Lebanon, Egypt, Iran and so forth, they’re not allowed to make any global weapons developments without being indicted for whatever the reason. Israel is aware that they are living on the brink of a volatile sinkhole surrounded by very tolerant and benign Arab communities.

Unfortunately, our world has changed so much since the word terrorism has been created out of people, fighting for their rights, who are subjugated and subjected, to live an immobile and stagnated existence because of unrelenting dominations. I am not condoning to the acts of evil by all involved. I am truly and consciously defining the term based on who is committing the actions, for what purpose, as I see it.

Mind you, every time rockets are launched by few disgruntled individuals, it’s hard to comprehend why massacre innocent civilians and decimate their properties and livelihood. This should be a strong warning that unfortunately, next time when this sort of devastations happens in any country, instead of emotionally destroying innocent people and their property, it may not be an easy operation, humanely & patiently why not hunt for the perpetrators to face their ordeal.

In all conscience, the lighthearted publicity stunt US aid donations of 100 million for the crisis in Gaza will not bring back the dead or inconceivable destructions that took place.

Because this remorseless conundrum has been going on for so long in the Middle East peace process, the world has changed forever in terms of respect for humanity and moral practices. Time and again, we all need to raise our voices for this and all other never-ending wars to end or share the blood of innocent children, all equally treasured like Jewish children, on our hands.

Come on people! Please, make your honest conscious evaluations without hatred against Muslims, Islam religion, Jews, Judaism or Christianity and me for telling you my concern and what I care about or taking no sides against humanity, they should be allowed to live side by side with respect practicing their Asalaam Aleikum or Shalom Aleichem?

It seems to me that in the course of human events, most people face their own defining moments when they least expect it. Often that moment arrives when we are forced to make a choice between doing good, doing evil or remaining indifferent because we just do not care or exasperated for so long.

Also not making a choice or indifference is the easiest choice to make; it requires no thinking at all. The choice between good and evil is paralyzing not because there is actual moral ambiguity or uncertainty in choosing but because evil & indifference is so much more attractive, seductive and appears to offer greater rewards no matter how long.

To stand for the truth, what is good and right, is the hardest choice of all because they require moral clarity and courageous acts of conscience. One must have fundamental convictions and moral principles to speak the truth and to do good and the right thing and in so doing define the moment instead of being defined by the moment & very few lingering prejudices.

In the face of evil, the question in our morality is always a clear one. We can choose to be silent; we can choose to be defenders and accomplices of evil; we can choose to blindfold ourselves in the face of evil or get in the faces of evil doers or we have a choice to be damn evil to condone it or openly accept it.

What are your thoughts and choices about this never-ending war, which keep affecting global peace & creating dreadful human relations, to let the world community to do something about it?

“Justice denied anywhere diminishes justice everywhere.” – Martin Luther King, Jr.

Today, it’s not enough to create change at the level of symptoms and structures. We need to work together even more deeply to change the underlying paradigms of thought and to connect with our deeper sources of creativity and self in a heterogeneous society.

The process of unifying people is difficult and the road to agreement is often littered with the debris of historical grievances, animosity and resentment.

However, any failure can be turned into an opportunity to learn and grow. I say it can, because it requires a particular attitude to benefit from our failure. Without that mentality, all our failures will go to waste. This is true in political affairs as it is in personal life for a leader as well as a follower. So, what is that mentality?

It is a mentality that is willing and able to reflect on past experiences, past actions and their outcomes. It is only through such reflections that one learns one’s strengths, weaknesses and the environment and conditions in which actions were undertaken and what could have been done differently that could have resulted in a positive outcome. It is not enough to admit collective failure. One needs to evaluate one’s role in the failure.

These days in age, we don’t need guns and weapons of mass destruction to change courses of disagreement, but by engaging in dialogues, sharing practical concepts as an interconnected society we can write and re-write differences until we get it right, peacefully.

Nevertheless, this is a wakeup call for all humanity and government officials to take heed and reaffirm the responsibility for their own actions or face this ongoing inevitable fate again & again for generations to come. I’m not violent or inciting violence but commenting my own assessment as I’ve lived through this and all sorts of incidents, war and cruelty and demanding for change.

We’ve the choice to live together in harmony or continue to live in a world of hate and inequality.

Let’s anticipate eliminating shared problems that have entrenched us for so long by redefining the way we perceive its symbolic grounds without blaming one or the other. If we do so by using all of our senses, we may empathize rather than trivialize.

Our condolences to all the families, loved ones & friends who have lost everything.

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