Wednesday, January 11, 2023



We all have our own unique cultural predispositions while growing up in different social and educational settings that may not gratify everyone.

With all the political correctness gone out of control and taking life out of joke, we don’t have to take joke out of our laugh (life).

We can’t go on doing the same thing forever and expect different results. Needless to say, racism existed for so long and nobody was prepared to do something about it for fear of coercions and controls by the very people performing the act.

History told us that in any royal aristocracy nobleness and prominence have always been the honored code of ethics before people.  

Now the time has come for some to speak up like Meghan, which put every partisan of the act at a shock and disbelief. Get used to it, it’s time for change! No one is feeling animosity for the racism and atrocities thoughtlessly occurred with an utter ignorance long time ago, but time to recognize the heartache that has triggered and move forward without repeating it, again, with the spirit of acknowledgement, reconciliation and ownership of entitlements.

However, as time went by, the anachronistic systems of royal protocol has eventually gave way to the new unceremonious, if any, in a different way, to deal with the new rules of new generations before our eyes. With the slave trade saga still hanging over the British Empire, it’s hard to imagine one of the ancestry’s children, Michelle Meghan Markle, joining the Royal Palace.

In case you didn’t know or abruptly deny it, history also tells us over 13 million Africans were stashed and transported in rugged ship, across the Atlantic Ocean in an agonizing condition, some died and thrown out in the ocean, as slaves during the period known as the “Slave Trade Triangle” over a span of 400 years and Britain fared part of the trade taking over three million slaves.

The time for change is really coming near you. I would like to think, I’m driving on the highway to self-realization so that I will be able to see, hear and acknowledge it’s time for change.

If anyone wants to see the agonizing of human trade, they must see 12 Years A Slave movie. This movie visualizes a precise atmosphere of 1853. It’s a powerful and serious movie that does not only teach the message of slave trade, but also reveals with a message of solitude in the midst of multitude.

With an appropriate credit bestowed to Meghan and all other greatly spirited personalities, like Martin Luther king, Jr., who are dedicated to egalitarianism and peaceful cohabitation in the world we live in.

Meghan lived as a confined vocal victim of within the maximum security to remain voiceless like the rest of them and the sympathizers are emphatically repudiating the truth and refuting the damaging criticisms they’re not used to as out of their usual day-to-day royal lives. That’s the sad truth of keeping their novelty for life where the rest of the world renounced the system of monarchism all together.

Meghan, like her enslaved African ancestors, reportedly suffered from a racial bias among the British public and the media. It was one of the reasons why Meghan and Harry decided to withdraw from their official duties just like the rest of the royal families.

Harry said in defense of his wife, “Meghan has been subjected to a wave of abuse, harassment and even racist newspaper articles. I hope that those behind these stories finally stop and instead begin thinking about the harm they have done.”

The modern-day breeds, Harry and Meghan, are deeply involved in transforming humanity voicing for racism and minority rights. Nevertheless, Meghan has returned to the roots of her family strongly advocating against inequality and bridging the social order of Britain, U.S. and the rest of the world.

We all have been following traditional & social lines of misguided or the not so favorable practices of any sorts, beliefs or many categories that our fore parents did for the same motives to integrate. Well, with changing times and thoughts, we find it hard to tolerate it now and allow as it still lingers to implicitly and systematically dishearten the very people we love, work and live with.

The truth will aggravate some to reveal prevailing anguishes like the apparent Harry and Meghan’s royal life revelations after living a literally muted existence behind the palace (iron) curtain, but the truth must be told sincerely without taking sides whether others accept as true or, status quo, reject it. That’s what exactly Harry is trying to reveal, what sort of life he and the royal family entailed, in his latest stirring but vividly lived life in his memoir book, spare. Who are we to judge and criticize when someone is telling us the life they’ve lived. We have only been shown the fascination and marvelous lives of the monarchs by abandoning all the intolerable performances and protocols. Thanks to past and present champions of injustice campaigners and all others who were courageously raising their hands to instigate changes.

We all have the pressure placed upon us over the years to conform to certain stereotypes. We don’t have to fit these stereotypes to please and succeed anymore. Our attitude must be to challenge all the stereotypes…linked to what we look like; where we come from, male or female, gay or straight, appreciating and celebrating our diversity in every way which drives innovation, having different points of views and experiences which will bring an alternative ingenuity in whatever we do.

The greatest anti-apartheid hero and philanthropist, Nelson Mandela, said, “No one is born hating another person because of the color of his skin, his background, or his religion. People must learn to hate, and if they can learn to hate, they can be taught to love, for love comes more naturally to the human heart than its opposite.”

One thing is for sure, we don’t live here forever, we should learn to live together without arms racing, hostility, killing our fellow human beings and all the deliberated immoral actions.

In the face of evil, the question in our morality is always a clear one. We can choose to be silent; we can choose to be defenders and accomplices of evil, we can choose to blindfold ourselves in the face of evil or get in the faces of evil doers or we have a choice to be damn evil to condone it or openly accept it. Thanks to all the social Medias for spreading well-intentioned awareness commentaries among our global society. One thing is imminent that what we have posted here has generated awareness in the minds of Harry and Meghan to be champions of change.

Harry and Meghan Markle were abandoned their palace life to live a simple life like that of the Buddha’s, but promised to become part time royals. It’s hard to understand why their decision is a complicated issue to no longer live on people’s payments and search for their own identity and independence before they leave this planet forever. It’s good to experience the lives of laypeople with no strings attached. What about if the UK people decided to completely abandon the system of Kingdoms in general like some other countries around the world that have done so. How complicated would that be? What are the benefits keeping a primeval novelty namesake?

The Sussex finally realized their responsibilities thanks to the social media influences to feed them with vital information and to fulfil their humanistic duties like everyone without depending on imperial livelihood.

The truth might hurt but must be told, regardless. Like all other breeds of our generation, Harry & Meghan’s love, respect, empathy, among other relationship cohesion morals is absolutely dissipated.

To stand for the truth, what is good and right, is the hardest choice of all because they require moral clarity and courageous acts of conscience. One must have fundamental convictions and moral principles to speak the truth and to do good and the right thing and in so doing define the moment instead of being defined by the moment & very few lingering prejudices.

“If you shut up truth and bury it under the ground, it will but grow, and gather to itself such explosive power that the day it bursts through it will blow up everything in its way.”

“I'm for truth, no matter who tells it. I'm for justice, no matter who it's for or against.”

In all conscience, truth must be told in this lifetime and/or not centuries later. If it’s not now, when?

I’m no longer afraid to speak the truth, the whole truth & nothing but the truth with humility, integrity, love & good will to all & show malevolence to nobody. The fundamental opinion of our commentary is to try to unravel the truth about the irrelevant and superfluous systems that strongly and staunchly imbedded in the human beliefs. Please, try to be mindful in understanding the purpose of the realities and refrain from bad tagging and pigeon-holing for commenting the truth about all archaic system of monarchies.

Congratulations to Harry, amid losing his equally demeaned mother at a younger age, for being brave to opening up his anguish (heart) to all of us who have lived and are living under similar circumstances and profoundly standing up for his wife stalwartly.

Read more other reflections on leaders, royalties, different business bogusness & immoral dealings time immemorial: