Thursday, August 8, 2019


Who can it be now? Who can it be...
I would like to start with the most pressing issues in election times locally & globally before listing a whole lots of other disappointing businesses around where we live. Election time is Prezzies time! Politicians are promising to spend so much money to compensate and buy voters for their shortcomings and obligations they’ve never bothered to do before the election. Where will that money come from? Impose more taxes and cut all the existing social service benefits time and again, year after year once they got elected to the office?
Like all world leader candidates, in the recent Australian election, the incumbent Prime Minister, Mr. Morrison, was telling voters, “If you vote for me, you get me. If you vote for Bill Shorten, opposition candidate, you get Bill Shorten.” I wrote the following remarks before the election: Really? How can the voters be sure, instead of you, they won’t get Barnaby Joyce or Clive Palmer, ha, ha, ha, and instead of Mr. Shorten, they won’t get Anthony Albanese? Anything can happen, mate and it did. Surprisingly, he got elected and in his adulation speech he said, “I believe in miracle”, whether his supporters voted for him or miracle happened, he has won the race and got elected to the highest office in the land. It’s a pity that another parliamentarian, Christopher Pyne, who resigned early on, won’t be there to sing one of his fav, ABBA’s classic song, Fernando, at his confirmation speech.
Apart from election time choices, shenanigans and talking about trust, universally things have turned incredibly bittersweet in a global scale. I don’t want to sound pessimistic & whiner, make no mistake that this is not what I believe or think, but I’m only reflecting on the reality that the world we live in has changed powerfully.

Individuals, friends & families are becoming self-centered, hostile; concerned only for oneself, abusive, manipulating others and ignoring all the values which make relationships meaningful, since the advent of online social media emergence.
There was time where mobiles, emails and internet were not around, we were all connected and enjoyed each other’s company and yearning to have our first mobile of the time such as big Motorola’s and others so we can keep in touch even more whenever and wherever. Even with mobile phones, modern catchups have changed. 
Modern day catchups, no comment

Now we’ve them all in more convenient ways than one, but our contacts, activities and interactions are barely viewed, scrutinized, arbitrated, invalidated, disregarded and never appreciated. 

Weapons of mass destruction
Developed countries who manufacture military arms and machineguns selling their firearms to the undeveloped and poor countries for profiteering, exploiting those unfortunate countries who end up killing each other and they continue to buy more weapons for self-destructions. Do we really need an arms race to spend so much money to kill each other when that money can be used to help livelihood of the impoverished?
The worth of splendid/ marvelous Royals
Do we really need the archaic Royal Monarchs and their remnants, from West to East and to the most economically impoverished isle nations, destined for expensive coronations, accessions, majestic & impressive protocols of the medieval periods to extravagantly showcasing their crown jewels that still exist and remain in confines?
I believe somebody needs to get a real job. I’m talking about all the royals who are living extraordinarily on poor people’s money. We must put the past behind us and abolish all the vintages/systems of monarchy absolutely/unconditionally, like few other countries did. Take a look at Ethiopia, where it got rid of the primogenital monarch in the world in 1974. Why do we want someone as a representative as they seem, just visiting all over the place as a diplomatic venture and having a good time, costing huge expenses while the real job is done by Prime Ministers and his elected officials? One good thing, at least, Emperor Haile Selassie of Ethiopia wasn’t just a symbolic figure; he was doing his real duties day-to-day and looked every bit a real transformer of that generation.
Don’t get me wrong, I loved our colourful, charismatic and engaging Royalty. But that’s thing of the past and like everything else, all things good or bad must come to an end. That’s our history but can’t be our destiny. Think about it! In this day and age, do we really need a namesake just because it is deeply rooted in our psych just like our old vintage hording stuffs that we can’t dispose or give away?

We need to move forward with a renewed sense of urgency building institutions of all-inclusive education system which can rationalize the minds of the people and the political elites that are suitable for creative and innovative changes to bring transparency and accountability into operational and the awareness to decimate the inkling of Royalty, protocols, nepotism, inequality and subjugation.
The incomparable English essayist, George Orwell, knew this sort of think well, making a scathing attack on upper-class British Royalists and socialists.
In societies that are well functioning, not in comparison to a hypothetical utopia, but contrasted with other existing or historical cultures, competence, not power, is a prime determiner of status for all leadership potentials. Competences, abilities & skills are the defining virtues both anecdotally and factually not a pedigree of ongoing aristocracies.
Don’t you agree that Global society need a profound transformation from within now not five or ten years from now?

Job Networks or Agencies, promising to give assistance to job seekers that are on New Start Allowances from Centrelink schemes are a waste of tax payer’s money as those income recipient individuals desperate for looking to work, they get nothing but become cash cows surrendering to the process of signing in and out every fortnight faced with disappointments and confusions doing the same process again and again with no promises fulfilled facing a bleak future and, unfortunately, some are inclined to commit all sorts of crimes.

The world according to superpowers

Mass media, entertainment and acting industry that are accountable for the news, entertainment and acting don’t include diverse and multiracial population. We see no reports from Asia, Africa, Middle East, South America, Islanders and reports are very diminutive and similarly people from those countries no matter how talented and skilled, they are excluded from advancing their ambitions and benefitting from the mainstream media lifestyles with emphasis based on race, colour, sex, age, religion, political opinion, national or ethnic origin, language and so forth.

These actions are prohibited universally as it equates to racism–the belief in the superiority of one race over another, limiting opportunities which often results in discrimination, domination and prejudice towards people based on the above descriptions/emphasis.
How many times we’ve heard our justice systems failing us in convicting people, who have committed crimes, neglected their family law probation periods and ignored restraining orders in our society creating horrendous anguishes and griefs for families and friends who have lost loved ones. Police forces whose job is to protect public safety, infested with corruptions, choose to indiscriminately harassing and racial profiling people living in “Struggle St Taboo” and from different ethnic backgrounds just because they’re different.

Private Health (Life) insurance companies are dissecting our bodies in different parts to insure us, such as legs, teeth (dentistry), liver, heart, fingers, and so forth to rip-off patrons. Those parts are insured under basic product categories and cover policies ranked under Gold, Silver, Bronze, iron, plate, dish, cup, glass…classifications. Outside these agreements, we’re not entitled to be covered for our severed toes, lungs or any body parts. It’s been confirmed by law that health insurance is open to Australian residents from ages 18–64, depending, conditions apply, on the policies stated they are considering.

The cost of human lives
Similarly, funeral insurances and mortuaries are also charging astronomical costs to prepare the dead for burial or cremation that’s if one can afford to pay goodbye to loved ones with that kind of inescapable payout. How much does a funeral typically cost?
The 2018 study found the average funeral cost in Australia to be $7,449. The actual cost of a funeral will also depend on lots of conditions like: If you are being buried or having cremated as cremations tend to be more expensive, if there is religious sacramental requirements which also increases the cost, if special public ceremonial is required extra costs apply and so forth, if special casket and flowers are preferred, more costs also incurred. The cost is also different from state to state.
Rest assured that you don’t have to worry about preparing yourselves for my burial as I’m an organ donor if any of my fibers can save someone and the rest to be supplanted back to mother earth where we all belong. How this is done is entirely my choice and unfortunately, I chose to be cremated, bottled and thrown in to the ocean to be found again when I reincarnate. I said unfortunately, because my families can’t burn me in their back yard rather than pay for the cremating people who are making money burning dead people.

You must see just few of the deplorable price lists that the Australian funeral companies charge:  

We also hear and see professional misconduct complaints about health professionals (personal GP’s) overcharging, false Medicare claims, misdiagnosis, unnecessary operations, unneeded prescriptions, making needless ongoing appointments as their main basis of earning, treating clients inefficiently with more waiting times and spending less time during consultations. How long did you have to wait to see your doctor, only to spend less than five minutes?

Is it a myth, reality, gobbledygook or misconduct of the wrong supply, why do people still die after they have been given the flu vaccinations? 
It's an ongoing business
How about the philanthropies and charity organizations collecting benefits to help the impoverished around the world only to donate 5 to 10 cents in a dollar? Also their work is appreciated; this is becoming an ongoing business by never trying to eliminate poverty off the face of the earth. If they do, they wouldn’t be able to sustain their businesses for long and likewise, imagine, if every cent donated goes to the needy, there wouldn’t be poor and inequality in the world we live in.

The retirement organizations charging our aging loved ones who don’t have the choices but get decent accommodations, not having to eat despicable meals forcefully and respectable services for the last part of their lives and treated humanely. The weakening laws need to be reinforced and suitable care must be introduced by all aged care service providers institutions in order to put to rest the ongoing aged care debacle.

Utility supply companies such as gas, electric and water are growing in numbers like café venues and they pester consumers offering timely discounts at a low usage rate coaxing to join them only to increase the monthly charges after the 24 to six months cajoling deal term expires. Where is the integrity and honesty to treat those loyal long-term clienteles fairly?

Recently, the public has been persuaded by solar panel installations companies as a more affordable opportunities and they failed to do some research and determine whether this program lives up to its reputations. The solar credits subsidy is primarily based on renewable energy certificates, also known as small-scale technology certificates. Despite often being referred to as a “solar rebate”, the solar credits subsidy is structured differently than other financial incentives in the solar industry. This is the one simple truth the power company doesn’t want anyone to know. The subsidy may not also cover a lot of costs associated with installations and the monthly bills continue to soar.
Banks who are using our money to make billions and build their institutions by overcharging us for using ATM’s and tellers to withdraw our own money also dispossess our properties and our pride when we miss the home loan repayments incapable of withstanding their untimely hicks of interest rates.

Home and property insurances won’t cover the cost of some repairs. If our house is naturally losing its foundations or if fences or security doors are not properly fitted or dilapidated, they will come up with untenable reasons not to cover the expenses. How else can they insure/cover the house/property?
Flight booking centres and passenger terminal counters at airports are charging extra costs for flight reservations if booked online and if passengers are late to board the flight even for five minutes and they are asked to fork out up to $50 or more extra for the next available flight. 
Free wireless home or mobile bundles providers load extra data usages intentionally in order to charge more than the monthly internet usage agreements and also either limit or cutoff all provided free calls, unnecessarily,  when we make calls, to save their agreed free usages during contracts.  
As a result of my complaint to the company, the Lentil Salad product has been removed. No longer in Safeway! 
Supermarkets, restaurants and café businesses are altering the sizes of their products and facilities by swelling their prices whenever they want to. The sizes of supermarket prepackaged foods, soft drinks, juices and all consumable products alike infested with sugars, additives, preservatives and also containers are bigger while the contents appear smaller and ingredients look deceptively lesser for the same prices that we used to buying full ranges of big packets.
Restaurants & cafés are not serving what we always read on their menus and when serving, they present small bites of meals on big plates to fill our eyes. No wonder why there are more cafés than retail shops, unlike the past. Those café places are serving coffees in tiny egg holder like cups that never equal to normal full cups just to be trendy and different, appallingly charging more than $4 and the cost increases if you prefer beetroot, turmeric, avocado, broccoli, cauliflower, spinach…latte with usual or regular or cow’s milk or other milks, skinny, almond, soy, rice, coconut, goat, breast…or any other milks you can think of with tiny drops of coffee. It’s funny that there is no mother’s milk! Ha, ha…Don’t be surprised, coming soon! If it does, “I’ll have what she’s having!”

No wonder the café business is taking off like today’s technology so fast. Is it worth drinking it though? It’s just the habit we’ve incessantly accustomed to going out to catching up with friends, family or someone new and obliviously becoming like cigarette, drugs and alcohol addictions that we can’t stop without divine intervention. Can you really STOP, change the HABIT, going to those places and not drink their cuppa? “YES YOU CAN”, unless you want to go to that place and be seen and have coffee with mother’s milk!
Tradies from car mechanics, panel bitters, painters, builders, plumbers, and electricians to a whole lot of service workers are being deceitful and overly charging vulnerable customers to fix the deal bogusly quoting their labor incomprehensibly.

Here is another dodgy dealing with our senior citizens that we’ve tried to expose in our commentaries about the tradies that make us angry. Current Affairs seem to listen to “our opinions do matter” concerns.
Car dealers are ripping off the honest and innocent customers such as the elderly, mothers, young people and the underprivileged individuals who are unable to slip into long term financial liability by borrowing money.
Car insurance companies won’t cover us if our cars are, they assert negligently, parked in an insecure areas or being driven improperly and if damaged outside originally arranged or covered areas on an agreement.


How can we justify the alarming actions of council parking penalties issued illegally and pursuing payments vehemently by not accepting any reasons for the confusing & incorrect sign posts everywhere? They are using the law as a cover up for their heartless actions and decisions to collect fines.

All legal societies continue to invent terminologies that are very hard to interpret for trusting everyday people who are getting ripped millions of our earnings.

Knowledge isn’t generally the driver of their behavior. They often don’t do what they should do because of inattention, apathy, avoidance, fear, being too busy, confronting an unsupportive environment, a negative attitude or habit or heartless routine to collect revenues.  

Petrol stations are playing cat and mouse games changing cheapest petrol days in order to charge more daily and making it very hard for drivers to determine what days the prices will drop again. This is just like living in the Game of Thrones and Hide-and-seek Game period.

These are just tip of the iceberg; there are more to the baffling and mind mystifying excuses various insurance companies and service industries come up with their own rules from time to time with “Conditions Apply” thorny warning signs not to pay our own forked up monthly payments and avoid covering any damages even if proved and considered.

It’s time that governments at local and federal level reinforce or reinstate current laws for better transparency and integrity on every business that deals with general public in exchanging goods and services.

We plead our grievances to the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC) whose role is to enforce fair trading and regulating national infrastructure for the benefit of all Australians to stop all sorts of consumer rip-offs. I know it’s a very hard act to enforce and administer every single regulation and codes of practices alone, society must also play their part not to buy or accept anything out of the conventional way of life.
These observations may seem superficial, but don’t be alarmed or never underestimate these comments as overstated assumptions or negative reflections, rather take notice and be mindful that these are the real descriptions of our changing modern day lifestyles that we’ve to face without being alarmed but alerted. If we don’t change our thinking to deal with them now, what, how, when, where we buy and deal with every situation mindfully, we’ll continue to be disheartened and face the cat and mouse games forever.

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