To our young generations including my children,
don’t worry whatever you have done so far as it’s part of discovering to find
the path to your life’s blue print. I’m not here to sermon anybody, but sharing
my extensive experiences that shaped me till this day, gave me the grit &
tolerance to survive and thrive in different countries and cultures after I
left my maternal country leaving my families and friends behind at the age of
24, having no one to turn to.
Can you hear me?
Don't allow anybody to make you feel that you're nobody. Always feel that you
count. Always feel that you have worth, and always feel that your life has
ultimate significance.
You must listen
and respect the words of the elderly and your parents’ as they have been where
you’re now and been through all the smart things you’ve been trying to
outmaneuver them. You must also stop blaming your families for all your actions
and everything that happened to you as a result. Everyone, including your
families, has their own upbringing that turned out to be a vicious generational cycle. More on that later!
You must also remember
to carefully monitor the people or friends you connect with otherwise you’ll be
ruptured, tortured & scarred for life. More importantly, don’t let modern
day tech gadgets come between you & human interactions. You’ve to know
when, where and how to use them rationally. You must remember that all your past
actions can’t be your destiny as you have an ability to change and go on living
So, make no mistake, we can’t control what has
happened in the past, which shaped the brain we have today, programmed our
cells, and caused certain genes to switch on. However, we do have the power in this moment and going
forward to choose our perspective and behaviour, which will change our understanding and our destiny.
We can’t afford
to dwell on our differences. It is not sufficient when someone merely
acknowledges, regrets, or apologizes for something they have done. Change in
our perception is very essential in the family, community & society, in
whatever level of services we’re dealing with, whether sports, welfare or
community organizations or day to day interactions to be able to acknowledge
and appreciate the efforts of individuals and most of all paying our gratitude
for their services unreservedly.
Also, the safest way to live your life is by doing
the right thing. If you do the CRIME, it’s a matter of time, you’ll get caught
and you’ll do the TIME.
Make this day a day that will change your life and be
prepared to take each of your friend’s, unjustified actions and undesirable life
experiences seriously and if you are going through some painful times, speak to
your closest family or friends who will give you a helping hand and most
importantly, inform your doctor.
To my generations, we need to break free from the vicious
generational cycle negative emotions of the past &
outdated beliefs of generational scenario, inherited collective mind patterns
that have kept our parents & ancestors in confinement, without blaming
& shaming the conditions created so much of their suffering for eternities
and manifesting in our misery today.
There will be
times when we shouldn’t compromise our core values, our integrity, and we will
have the responsibility to speak up in the face of injustice and do all that we
can to survive without resentment.
To do so
extended families and our society need to cultivate and nurture the concept of
diversity helpfulness and social cohesion rather than individualistic
hatemongering approach that serves no purpose to anyone.
To appreciate how playing with the fire of racial
hatred is so tense with unintended consequences, it will be good to remember
that mutual recognition is a precondition for social trust. A sense of
self-worth by any group in society is only partially internal; it also depends
on the willingness of other competing groups in society to acknowledge the
worth of the other. It’s time that we attentively and sympathetically watch and
listen to the ambitions of the younger generations carefully and guide them succinctly.
Our marginalized
future young generations are in desperate need of model leadership and guidance
from the vast societal structure that are capable of mentoring the new
generations into the new direction with improved possibilities without racial
divisions, profiling and the rhetoric vision of status quo-business as usual.
There is no
stronger weapon against inequality and no better path to equal opportunity than
an education that unravels our genetically given potential for young people.
The wave of
crimes committed by young people, pigeonholed and racially profiled as organised gangsters, is a testament to unimaginable injustices
and treatments they have endured during their course of growing up in a totally
different and rapidly changing social trends.
This cry for
help by those juveniles committing various offences amounts to disappointments,
frustrations and inability to see their full potential is attainable in their
unconducive environments, in which they live, to gain equal access to
opportunities that are available to others in order to create conventional
possibilities for themselves and the community in which they live, is becoming
If few people
are benefiting while the majority are struggling, it would be a zero sum game,
if not disintegrating and inhumane. That’s exactly what’s being perceived by
our underprivileged and our dispirited younger generations in the so called
multicultural society, who didn’t have a strong mentors and supporting group in
our community.
We are all
making our contributions regardless of commendations, acknowledgements,
appreciations and validations of our efforts, to improve any ongoing social,
political and personal dilemmas in our community. Those contributions are
somehow used by individuals in assisting and advancing their actions for a
better outcome. That’s morally a good feeling!
views should be represented and valued irrespective of their background, race, colour, religion, status and academic preferences.
These days and
age, it’s
not enough to create change at the level of symptoms and structures. We need to
work together even more deeply to change the underlying paradigms of thought
and to connect with our deeper sources of creativity and community.
Make no mistake,
the time is ripe, in order to tap all the opportunities and possibilities that
are available to a communal society like that of ours, and if we want to change
the way we feel, we’ve got to change the way we think.
Like my
generations, I grew up in a multi-ethnic culture and loved it deeply to this
day. Unlike some of my generations, learning a positive attitude towards life
goes a long way in achieving knowledge and mental peace and thereby keeping me
stress free. I quickly transformed myself to be able to adapt with the rapidly
changing social order and beliefs without stubbornly staying with my old
traditional social creeds.
I stand back but
not remain silent and don’t let the daily hassles grind me down. It’s too easy
to become angry and cynical. There are millions of reasons and excuses not to
do things without hating anybody.
Like every
families, we hear and see the plight of family disintegrations in the social
media hyped generation. We need not dread but accept this trend as a customary
now and see it as common disorderly and uncontrollable scenes.
It is incumbent
upon us, the older generations, to appreciate more and resent less, to
encourage and support the interaction of young people and to undertake tasks
and discussions of the like organized by local communities and various
institutions to strengthen their mentoring schemes carefully and efficiently.
The least we can do is to refrain from infecting these young people with hatred
towards each other. Instead let us earnestly tell them of the good and bad
times of our own stories and our determination to get ahead on our long journey
to pursuing our success up to where we are today to enrich their journey.
Remember, we may
not have the prestige of celebrities, the power of Pope or all other academic
luminaries, but our differences of opinions and stories are unique and equally
valued, effective and say something no one has expressed before. They may not
be accepted, openly communicated, appreciated & validated, but are genuine commitments
and opinions of noble thoughts that must be shared with everyone
unconditionally and impartially.
CHANGE, let’s accept what is, let go of what was, and have hope &
conviction in what will be.
Must read more
important commentaries here: