Sunday, May 7, 2017


Deputy Prime Minister Barnaby Joyce has demanded why the ABC didn't fire Yassmin Abdel-Magied for her Anzac Day posted comments about a condition she identified, equally, heart wrenching. 

Yassmin Abdel-Magied, Sudanese-Australian, who simply exercised her freedom of speech by posting, "Lest we Forget (Manus, Nauru, Syria, Palestine)", on ANZAC DAY, which she, probably, coerced to apologize or face the consequences, quickly deleted the post soon after, but the comments continued to gather significant criticism from indifferent people across the country with her apology sinking in deaf ears.
As a global citizen, she was entranced by her resilient responsibility and overwhelmed by zealous compassion for those suffering in detention centres and screaming out to awaken public support. So, honestly and pragmatically, it’s up to us to listen to the message without slaying the messenger.
The ABC and most people did not believe she should lose her job because of her, concern, open minded, not eyebrow rising, but eye opening comments.
In a healthy democratic country like ours, there is no limit to free speech and those ANZAC soldiers sacrificed their life for the very ideals of freedom to live our lives peacefully and speaking up without any intimidations and bullying. 
If Yassmin was Caucasian (white), not Muslim, not black woman, not different race, and so forth, her comments wouldn’t have attracted so much media and attention full of hate.
If I sound harsh and uncompromising in my disagreement, it is a reflection of the level of my frustration and I kindly ask readers to take it as an honest expression of an emotional appeal to empathize before you dehumanize me as well.
Also, we must, always, remember that every difference of opinion & ideology is not a difference of principle and shouldn’t be construed as a personal vendetta and should be discussed or expressed with respect –demo-cracy.

We can see that world consciousness is shifting into a new dimension and the old rules no longer apply. As many struggle to move from disbeliefs and old mindsets over the political events of 2016 such as with the election of Donald trump, Pauline Hanson’s return to the senate, the balance of power between the US, Russia and China, the current race for nuclear war between the US and North Korea looks set to shift in ways we probably can’t even imagine, to a growing acceptance that change is inevitable, we can choose to prepare for the next phase and create a fresh space full of new possibilities or we can bury our heads in the sand or we can sit and wait hoping everything will change without our efforts.

If you look at your own life and the lives of those around you, you will see many things have been transformed over the past couple of years. For some possessions, titles and status have become less important while the true value of friendship, integrity, love and compassion have been greatly realized.
For those feeling apprehensive about the future, on either a personal or global level, consider that, universally, we are living through a period that closely parallels with the events of the late 1960s, a time of massive social change, explosive creativity and innovation that paved the way for the great environmental, feminist and social justice movements of the 1970s.

But life moves in spirals, not circles, and this time round we have the exponential power of the internet and social media to share our knowledge, power, ideas and creativity. Together we can create miracles and play pivotal parts to change what we can in our enduring journey.  
The way of doing things have changed since the16th and 17th century, even since the recent 20th. People (some) are aware of those changes, especially, those who have been through all kinds of turmoils, dominations and persecutions except those who have missed the powers.
Churchill once told the Palestine Royal Commission in 1937, "I do not agree that the dog in a manger has the final right to the manger even though he may have lain there for a very long time. I do not admit that right. I do not admit for instance, that a great wrong has been done to the Red Indians of America or the black people of Australia. I do not admit that a wrong has been done to these people by the fact that a stronger race, a higher-grade race, a more worldly wise race to put it that way, has come in and taken their place."
That was long time ago. I don’t blame Churchill and all domineers; he was talking with brain and dominating time of that era. We’re reading a different book now. There is no going back to those ancient rationales, caves, fires, killings … anymore.

Today, starting now, we all need to change the way we do all our life enhancing businesses and stop being irritable about the people who are doing things in a very diverse way than us. “Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results.” –Albert Einstein
I think, make no mistake, Australia’s freedom of speech, values, privileges and way of life is downright at risk. What do you think?
“We must learn to live together as brothers or perish together as fools” –Martin Luther King Jr.
Think of the huge destruction of war by elite egomaniacs of the 21st century.

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