Thursday, April 30, 2015


What promises to be a better, peaceful and prosperous new year, 2015 has shifted its passage of astral travel already causing brutal, to name a few, heartaches around the world.
The Islamic State militants in Libya cruelly shot and beheaded 30 Ethiopian Christians.
The Nigerian militant Islamist group Boko Haram continues to harm innocent citizens.
The Attacks against foreigners including Ethiopians continues to haunt in South Africa.
The sinking of boats full of refugees in the seas of Middle East is becoming like the Watergate mystery.

The rampant culture of racism among United States police is regurgitating the social injustices that have been crushed, chewed and cremated in the past.

The dangers of online dating with the unknown and family violence crimes are creating indecisive results for justice systems.

The Israelis and Palestinians continue to play tug of war destroying the peace process, people and their infrastructures.
The mysterious vanishing of Indonesian and Malaysian airplanes in the eastern hemisphere without trace continues to puzzle the International Air Transport Association and International Civil Aviation Organization.
The Bali 9 tragedy which saddened a lot of people around the world finally laid to rest.

Indonesian president, Widodo, executed Australian duo, Chan and Sukumaran and 6 other death row inmates from different countries in a cold blooded draconian style law and order while the 9th Philippine’s woman received a last minute reprieve.
I felt the pain pounding in my heart thinking what it would also be like for the families and friends of those executed by a barbaric style firing squad.

With all the miscarriages of justices and corruptions in judiciary systems in Indonesia & around the world, fortunately, luck has been with some people for surviving the merciless decisions. Regrettably, luck was not on Bali Nine Australian duo and 6 inmates’ side and certainly I am convinced that their time was up and destined to die this way mainly as a result of their Karma.
Karma is a fundamental doctrine that all of our actions- mental, vocal and physical will have equal repercussions, affecting us. It’s the principle of cause & effect where our intent and actions influence our future. Good intent and good deed contribute to good karma and future happiness, while bad intent and bad deed contribute to bad karma and future suffering.

It’s our actions, deeds and motives of the past, depending on its severity, that brought our harsh realities of incessant sufferings of today. 
We are mortal beings destined to go, in different circumstances good or bad, in an avoidable power like the source of a big torrential river grounded on our Karmic retribution. We can only redeem it in our present lifetime with good intentions and deeds for a very happy life in our next lifespan.   

Unfortunately, when our time is up nothing I mean nothing will save us. We all have seen people survive from unforeseen disasters like tsunami, bushfires, airplane crashes and so on, and tend to believe miracle and guardian angels are on their side.  
The truth is those survivors are not ready to pack up yet. Hey! I’m not talking about irrational wonder. This divine truth has been around since human evolution but we just haven’t been embracing it as a result of our varied upbringing and nurtured in a diverse spiritual choices. This may sound strange and new phenomenon to you but our life’s worth finding out more about the concept comprehensively without making overstatements or otherwise. We have the “Choice”.

However, this tragedy should be the day of awakening and whatever the cause maybe, good, bad, karma or else, the maximum punishments bestowed on human lives are excessive and unjustified and should be replaced with other forms of reprimands that can rehabilitate those honestly remorseful offenders.
They didn’t mean to bring anguish to their families and everyone around the world. Maybe they’re there to create a cause: telling the world that there still exist brutal injustices that need changing. They certainly caused huge impact of empathy reverberating in our nation and around the world that will bring change of hypocrisy, accountability and inequity.   

If offenders sincerely admit their youthful and stupid mistakes and asked you for forgiveness and mercy, what would you do?

As continuing track records of offences show, legitimizing death as a form of punishment to deter drug trafficking has never worked and lots of visiting innocent foreigners still keep falling victims of this brutal injustice. It’s very sad that this barbaric action would rather discourage more foreigners from visiting the beautiful Indonesian Isles thereby crippling its economy and human interactions.
Indonesian president Joko Widodo defiantly defends his reasons and appears to have rejected any clemency claims even before he reads each specific clemency petitions from death row inmates.

The president appeared inexperienced foreign policy diplomat who hasn’t anticipated the state of affairs that threatens to undermine Indonesian & Australian relations, a bilateral relationship far more important to Jakarta by ignoring an honest request for clemency of its citizens.
As for Widodo he will get his own remuneration as an effect of his deeds, “For every action, there is an equal and opposite reaction.”

It’s always a great occasion when nations decide to resolve their problems through diplomacy in a peaceful means of magnanimity, honesty, fairness, justice, and mutual benefits. Such great agreements are born out of strong principled presentations of each sovereign nation pursuing its national self-interest. Because of unpolarised interactions, national leaders will start to recognize the legitimacy of all well founded claims and concerns of each other as riparian conditions.

The exchange houses-diplomats are not to be used as rubberstamping institutions but as a functioning body to foresee and examine any requests, grievances, agreements, resolutions, treaties, even policies during the negotiations, ratifications and ultimately granting of the congenial decisions unconditionally.
This is a reminder to all countries who exchange diplomatic representatives such as embassies, consulates or any proxy agencies for their respective countries not as symbolic but must give assistance at a time of critical statuses and open to communicate effectively and fairly to listen to each other’s concerns and compromises to accommodate the interests in an harmonious and humane manner more specifically in a time of disaster and distress about their citizens.

I wish the Indonesian people and other present day law abiding countries to denounce the ‘out dated’ death penalty categorically and practice universal law to live with the global community humanely.
To those unsympathetic individuals who took an unlikely side because of offender’s ethnic backgrounds or filled with hate mongering biased moral judgement, must wake up to their consciousness to put “humanity before ethnicity” and practice the fundamental ethical principle of “treat others the way you want to be treated.” 

Finally, I send my deepest condolences to all the families of the executed, my warmest gratitude to the organizers of ‘We Stand For Mercy’ appeal, lawyers who indefatigably & effortlessly fought the injustice battle to the end and to those who took part in doing everything in this distressing, upsetting and heartbreaking epic journey.

 I hope 2015 finally ends on a very good and remarkable note.
Good bye & RIP 

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