Wednesday, May 21, 2014


How long can we go on wearing the same cloth, eating the same food, watching the same shows, driving to and from work in the same way and list goes on. Don’t you think changing all those things including our mindset is a healthy and necessary aspect of life?

If we always surrender and accept the way things are forever, we’re not going to make any effort to improve by rising to the challenges of unpleasant life situations. “We can’t solve problems with the same thinking that created it”. –Albert Einstein  
Change is about striving to go beyond our limitations and create something better both in our personal lives and collectively to eliminate or even lessen pain and sorrow from our and other’s life without reservation by relinquishing our inner resistance to take positive action and transform or discover something profoundly new without resignation.

I recently heard about a grapevine to transform a long standing religious conviction of celibacy to be banned. I think the idea of celibacy is an irrational and outdated moronic belief that one has to renounce his humanoid in order to be ordained as priesthood or a pontiff status only to commit cardinal sin, in any spiritual institutions, by attracting paedophiles.
If one has to completely abandon life (their other half) to become Holy Father as in the traditional believe, one must also be castrated so that he will not have the urge to break the cardinal rules.

All religious institutions must change their ancient draconian code of ethics that people must conform and wear particular attires, must not eat a particular food, and strict prohibitions that people not having the freedom when, where and how to believe in any beliefs of their choice other than the predominant or societally favoured religions without somebody pressuring someone in our timeless realm of the present. 
                                                               How old am I? Guess
Pope Francis and leaders of (all) religious organizations should take notice of global grievances and renew their codes and embark on rewriting overdue scriptures that people should believe in any religion of their choice without punishment for apostasy and ordained people in the religious establishment should be allowed to have a faithful relationship (partner) if they have to abstain from the continuing saga of countless promiscuity.   

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