Wednesday, May 21, 2014


How long can we go on wearing the same cloth, eating the same food, watching the same shows, driving to and from work in the same way and list goes on. Don’t you think changing all those things including our mindset is a healthy and necessary aspect of life?

If we always surrender and accept the way things are forever, we’re not going to make any effort to improve by rising to the challenges of unpleasant life situations. “We can’t solve problems with the same thinking that created it”. –Albert Einstein  
Change is about striving to go beyond our limitations and create something better both in our personal lives and collectively to eliminate or even lessen pain and sorrow from our and other’s life without reservation by relinquishing our inner resistance to take positive action and transform or discover something profoundly new without resignation.

I recently heard about a grapevine to transform a long standing religious conviction of celibacy to be banned. I think the idea of celibacy is an irrational and outdated moronic belief that one has to renounce his humanoid in order to be ordained as priesthood or a pontiff status only to commit cardinal sin, in any spiritual institutions, by attracting paedophiles.
If one has to completely abandon life (their other half) to become Holy Father as in the traditional believe, one must also be castrated so that he will not have the urge to break the cardinal rules.

All religious institutions must change their ancient draconian code of ethics that people must conform and wear particular attires, must not eat a particular food, and strict prohibitions that people not having the freedom when, where and how to believe in any beliefs of their choice other than the predominant or societally favoured religions without somebody pressuring someone in our timeless realm of the present. 
                                                               How old am I? Guess
Pope Francis and leaders of (all) religious organizations should take notice of global grievances and renew their codes and embark on rewriting overdue scriptures that people should believe in any religion of their choice without punishment for apostasy and ordained people in the religious establishment should be allowed to have a faithful relationship (partner) if they have to abstain from the continuing saga of countless promiscuity.   

Wednesday, May 7, 2014


Ethiopian Foreign Affairs Minister H.E. Col. Goshu Wolde 1983-1986

Colonel Goshu is addressing his innovative speech with a strong passion, fierce but convincing poise, melancholic but robust voice and feisty gesticulation pleading to the US sponsored committees assembling to discuss on the fate of Eritrean referendum.

Colonel Goshu is unequivocally determined to mesmerize, name & shame and persuade the sitting, stunned, dumbfounded, and staring bemused, congress for intervention to TPLF leader for the break up & dismemberment of his country, Ethiopia, and secession of Eritrea & he emphatically warned the futility of referendum without the consent & knowledge of Ethiopian & Eritrean people.

Undoubtedly, no matter how stunned they may seem, his articulation fell into deaf ears just like todays rhetorical do-nothing leaders who like to see other dictators immerse themselves in repression, deception and corruption.
Colonel Goshu Wolde was an Ethiopian Foreign Minister, from 1983 to 1986, during the time of Marxist government. Finally, incensed by injustice, he abandons his post in 1986, at the tender age of 39, in protest of his Marxist government's policies which he finally realized an unbearable behaviour of his iron-fisted leader and defected to the US declaring that he could no longer serve under him as he advanced more and more into totalitarianism and absolute repression with no vision for improvement.

Regardless of his status and service under extremely strong orders and stubborn leader of the Marxist government, I thank Goshu Wolde for his perseverance to serve our people heroically and standing very firm to protect our country. I also admire Goshu Wolde for his intelligence and resilience for bravely confronting the giants who always make decisions based on their benefits without democratically consulting other beneficiaries.
Ethiopia needs a passionate and patriotic leader of great moral integrity like Colonel Goshu Wolde who epitomizes audacity of our people’s hope and leads them into the twenty first century.

Saturday, May 3, 2014


Owning a dog is not just a privilege; it's a responsibility. Dogs depend on us not only for food & shelter also caring & maintaining for a long term commitment that requires serious thought. No different from checking your lifestyle before having a baby.
If you already have a dog, you need to consider if you are fulfilling all your obligations as an owner.

I think there has to be a strengthened laws, responsibility and capability tests law instigated for the people wanting to raise a healthy and happy dog before they obtain/buy/given/volunteer a dog or any pet as a matter of fact to ensure their suitability and qualifications for ownership.

Once they pass all assessment areas of the check point successfully, they will be issued the personal evaluations clearance certificate to show it to any person, private or retail shops responsible for dispatching the pets, to get pets of their choice. This may sound thorny and bureaucratic but it is, absolutely, the right thing to do considering the constant abuses and mistreatments we see every day and the ongoing problems the humane animal respite, RSPCA, put up with constantly. Think about it!
We can’t just say I like a cute dog and need to get one just like we go and buy a nice looking donut only to feel sick after. It is absolutely essential to think seriously before we consider the long term emotional & financial commitment, above all, if the dog is rightly suited with our lifestyle. All aspects of our family's life – children, hobbies, activities, personalities, schedules - should be evaluated before we make the wrong choice. Making sure the dog gets along with children and vice versa and if our place is accommodating for our new partner for life who needs our attention just like our children or every Tom, Dick, and Harry.

If you don't own a dog, at least one, there is not necessarily anything wrong with you, but there may be something wrong with your life. –Roger Caras
Consider the poos and pees around the house and undeservedly locking them up all day like soldiers of POWs until you come home. If this is the case, can you afford to get pet minder? Please, note that these comments are a genuine rapport for your information (FYI) only and should not be construed as an advertisement to get a pet minder. 
How do I know all these? I am exposed to multitude of dogs every week and living with one happy breed of PUGZU, Mulu (whole/ complete, see pic), born May 31, 2011, that shouts for constant attention. So, this has been painstakingly long time involvement, doggedness and non-astronomical research effort as you can imagine.
                         Mulu Holidaying in Sunshine Coast, Queensland, November 2011
Little Mulu, August 2011, checking out toy world  

So, giving our dog affection is important for us as it is easy for them to give back, but must be done at the correct times.  Although dogs do have emotions that are different than those of ours, they do require constant affection and attention. They hold no grudges, ill feelings, discriminate, whine, argue, forgive instantly, among others and love you for what is.

Nevertheless, they do not premeditate or plan ahead, and do not dwell in the past or future. They live for whatever is happening at the moment. How good is that, if we follow that precept to live by?

Dogs do not live in the past or the future, as humans do. They live for the moment. That’s how we ought to live. “Living in the present”? Yes, dogs live in the moment; it is much easier to rehabilitate dogs than humans. 

Dogs are walkers & walking is an important ritual in keeping our dog mentally stable. Just like humans they need to get out and sniff fresh air and see others not only two but four-legged creatures as well. Simply having a large backyard is not going to satisfy our dog. To our dogs, our backyard is like a large cage in which they are trapped.

For a dog to be mentally stable, as an owner, our responsibility fares to take our dog for daily walks to release not only physical energy, but also for their mental equilibrium. A lack of exercise and the mental energy that can only be released by a proper walk can cause many behavioural problems in a dog. They also need medical attention from time to time regardless of their condition to keep them in tiptop just like ourselves.

The proper way to walk a dog is with the dog walking either beside us or behind us, never in front of us. This may seem petty in our mind, however it means a lot in a dog’s mind. Dogs know that the leader goes first.

If we begin treating our dog in a very self-assured manner, giving love to it at the right times, and correcting it at the right moments, we can change our dog into a happy and mentally stable dog. The more stable our dog is the calmer and submissive s/he will become and the more we can give affectionate love and the more we get it back instantly even if we can’t please them all the time. It's a "win-win" situation.

Dogs love everyone unconditionally and they don’t see anyone as strangers. No wonder why they are very much sought after pets.

“A dog is the only thing on earth that loves you more than he loves himself.” ―Josh Billings

So, are you qualified to own one? Check yourself!