Wednesday, September 17, 2008


Come on America! This is wake-up call! McCain’s smart tactics to pick a woman of no substance and credentials is only to cover his weakness and downfall to gain vote against his rival for not picking a woman as his running mate. It is a vote getter trick!(,,24271327-5012748,00.html )
McCain is a four-term Arizona senator, where has he been? What has he done all those years? Just support the Bills and changes that are presented by the Bush administration?
All the economic fall out now is a perfect example for the McCain’s term sluggish administration.
On the other hand, Obama is only a first-term senator from Illinois and records show that he has tremendously contributed so much to his Democratic party and in doing so he excelled in his KPI’s to run for the highest office in the land. Obama lamented Republican policies over eight years that he said "encouraged outsized bonuses to CEOs while ignoring middle-class Americans" and said: "Instead of prosperity trickling down, the pain has trickled up — from the struggles of hardworking Americans on Main Street to the largest firms of Wall Street."
Obama generally supports stronger consumer protections, better regulatory oversight and more government intervention, while McCain broadly prefers a market system of less federal involvement and red tape.
Obama seeks to cut into inequality between rich and poor by raising taxes on the wealthiest Americans and give breaks to the middle class and lower-income people.
Obama chastised McCain by saying: "It's not that I think John McCain doesn't care what's going on in the lives of most Americans. I just think he doesn't know. He doesn't get what's happening between the mountains in Sedona where he lives and the corridors of power where he works." That’s just a legitimate and honest assessment of McCain’s, three degrees of disaster, pure ignorance, poor judgement and pathetic economic mismanagement.
John McCain owns more houses than he can count and his wife wears $300,000 earrings. McCain divorced his first wife (after he cheated on her) to marry Cindy who was wealthy. Prior to that he was pretty much a loser. He eventually graduated, despite some difficulties near the bottom of his class and was a cocky, but bad, bad pilot in the Vietnam war leading to his plane getting shot down and him getting captured. This was the fifth plane McCain had lost in his short military career (and he only saw 20 hours of combat during the Vietnam war).
Further, McCain actually cooperated with the Vietnamese and provided them with information in exchange for medical care (not saying I blame him given his life was at stake, but merely stating what happened).
It makes you wonder whether John McCain is a real life instance of the Manchurian Candidate.
Barack Obama, on the other hand, was raised by a single white mom who needed food stamps. He worked hard, graduated from one of the highest Universities in the land, Harvard, and overcame tremendous odds and hardles to get where he is today. Phew! These are not opinions but prooven facts. To even think that he is an elitist is the biggest farce in the world.
A ray of sunshine is gradually beaming rainbows of hope for America and the rest of the world because OBAMA IS CREATING GOOD KARMA. Obama will bring audacity of hope to all. Read more very interesting comment on ( ).
Jerome Corsi just published a new book full of lies and deceit. Sounds like the writers from The National Enquirer. This is nothing but another stint & sensational writing full of lies to arouse people more interested to read expecting what will happen next on fictional stories that never existed and to anyone’s demise nothing will happen at all. People are so attracted to bewildering stories they will continue to buy such stirring and dramatized stories of newspapers, magazines, and books so forth.
Obviously, this writer chose a good time and opportunity to make money regardless of his strong support for both parties and making evil effort to undermine Obama’s credibility. No fat chance, Pal. You can make the money but you can’t make the man the way you think.

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