I thought McCain was very arrogant and abusive by playing cheap lying tactics about Obama's credibility and abusing him by saying "he doesn't understand" and "he doesn't know" plus he kept repeating the same thing over and over again by going over his time limit and Jim Lehrer, the moderator, was allowing him for that. Obama was the clear winner despite the fact that Lehrer let McCain have the last word most of the time. Was that fair? Think about that, seriously. What about the debate rules? I hope the American people saw McCain for what he truly is - an old dinosaur with old ideas and abusive debater!!!
He’s completely out of touch. He’s somebody who’s giving tax cuts to the wealthy when it’s the middle class and low income earners who needs tax cuts. Just last week he thought the fundamentals of the economy were strong. So, he doesn’t get it. That’s what he has demonstrated. He’s out of touch. And when you try to use sort of insulting language as he did tonight it doesn’t really appeal to voters who are looking for a positive solution to their own lives and the struggles that they’re going through. McCain's language is "insulting" when he says that Obama “doesn't understand” in all his speech.
Obama conducted himself with dignity and respect, and Americans appreciate that kind of concerned forthrightness. You can see from the picture how warm and accepting, welcoming and sincere Obama is. That just qualifies Obama’s comment about McCain when he said respectfully, "It's not because John McCain doesn't care, it's because John McCain doesn't get it."
On the contrary, Obama was respecting him by agreeing with what McCain was saying. So, be warned, McCain was playing cheap and old abusive tricks trying to score points by criticizing his rival rather than getting to the specifics and what he can do as a President. I was impressed with Obama. He presented a platform of change, discussed the issues well and showed a plan. McCain certainly did not show any real platform of change and just profiled his experience of 26 years in office which led us to no where but economic disaster and an unqualified war that wasted American lives.