Thursday, March 27, 2008


Barack Obama is not only eloquent, with that ability to speak both to you and to speak for you, he has a quality of thinking and intellectual and incredible emotional honesty that radiates from his presence is extraordinary.
Barack Obama clearly has an impeccable academic credentials and longer legislative experience than Hillary Clinton. Obama’s congressional records show that most of the Bills he has written became Laws.
Experience is not necessarily a function of age; otherwise John F. Kennedy, formerly a junior senator from Massachusetts, who turned out to be one of the greatest leaders in the world, 44 years old when he entered the White House, would not have become the leader of the United States of America.
Senator Barack Obama is the twenty first century God sent Messenger of peace to save the world.
His honest preaches and words of wisdom are very much like that of John F. Kennedy. There is a uniqueness and conviction in Barack Obama’s speech delivery. The similarities between John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama symbolises: the youth, the magnetism, the natural grace, the eloquence, the wit, the intelligence and the hope of a new generation.
Barack Obama also has tendencies of President Lincoln. Like Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama challenges United States of America to rise up, to do what so many of us long to do, to call upon “the better angels of our nature”.
Come on! America this is a genuine wake up call. This is the biggest and best opportunity for you to elect Barack Obama as your President, if you want to live in equality, fraternity and liberty with the rest of the world.

May God Bless America
May God Save Obama
Ingood Spirits,

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