Barack Obama has all the prerequisite to be the president of the United States of America.
Exceptionally, he would make the best modern era extraordinary president and commander-in-chief of the United States.
Barack Obama has immeasurable talent and wisdom to govern and lead this great nation. He is not by all means a cowboy or arrogant leader who will use his authority to maintain peace and social stability at home and around the world. Instead, he is a pragmatic, influential and persuasive diplomat who would resolve all matters through a civil communication.
So, do not be hoodwinked by Clinton’s reckless campaign of parading to get votes by talking about Barack’s inexperience. One should ask what her experience is. If Clinton wants to be back in the white house, she should tell the American people her own policies and experiences rather than condescending her opponent. Remember, what JFK said, “Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. The same goes for Clinton. Stop telling US what Barack Obama can and can’t do for US, but tell what you can do for US.
The Clintons want to go back to the white house with their personal problems and old ideas of her husband again telling her what to do. With the foreign policy issues where was Bill Clinton when 200,000 poor people of the African nation of Rwanda died from genocide? Didn’t he use guns not roses to kill more people of the old European Country of Yugoslav, now a divided nation of Bosnia and Kosovo, to settle the dispute? What about the unresolved peace deal in Northern Ireland and the impassable Middle East conflict between Israel and its Neighbours, root of all the problems the world can muster.
Come on! The past, old and looking for the gun when the tough gets going experience was, is and will be futile. About time America needs change. New Change they Can Believe in.
The one and only person that can undoubtedly bring those changes and lift the American spirit and dream from the brink of downfall is Barack Obama.
I believe Barack Obama practices what he preaches and that is in itself a sign of colossal leadership.
Barack Obama possesses the personal attributes of a great leader – an even temperament, an open-minded approach to even the most challenging problems, a willingness to listen to all views, clarity of vision, the ability to inspire, conviction and courage.
In good spirits,
Hadiy-oss caberra!
Sintayehu Tilahun singing Dereben accompanied by Ras Band. I love the
song's fast beat and the way he goes back and forth between Hadiyissa and
Amharic. I...
10 years ago