Thursday, March 27, 2008


Barack Obama has all the prerequisite to be the president of the United States of America.
Exceptionally, he would make the best modern era extraordinary president and commander-in-chief of the United States.
Barack Obama has immeasurable talent and wisdom to govern and lead this great nation. He is not by all means a cowboy or arrogant leader who will use his authority to maintain peace and social stability at home and around the world. Instead, he is a pragmatic, influential and persuasive diplomat who would resolve all matters through a civil communication.
So, do not be hoodwinked by Clinton’s reckless campaign of parading to get votes by talking about Barack’s inexperience. One should ask what her experience is. If Clinton wants to be back in the white house, she should tell the American people her own policies and experiences rather than condescending her opponent. Remember, what JFK said, “Think not what your country can do for you, but what you can do for your country”. The same goes for Clinton. Stop telling US what Barack Obama can and can’t do for US, but tell what you can do for US.
The Clintons want to go back to the white house with their personal problems and old ideas of her husband again telling her what to do. With the foreign policy issues where was Bill Clinton when 200,000 poor people of the African nation of Rwanda died from genocide? Didn’t he use guns not roses to kill more people of the old European Country of Yugoslav, now a divided nation of Bosnia and Kosovo, to settle the dispute? What about the unresolved peace deal in Northern Ireland and the impassable Middle East conflict between Israel and its Neighbours, root of all the problems the world can muster.
Come on! The past, old and looking for the gun when the tough gets going experience was, is and will be futile. About time America needs change. New Change they Can Believe in.
The one and only person that can undoubtedly bring those changes and lift the American spirit and dream from the brink of downfall is Barack Obama.
I believe Barack Obama practices what he preaches and that is in itself a sign of colossal leadership.
Barack Obama possesses the personal attributes of a great leader – an even temperament, an open-minded approach to even the most challenging problems, a willingness to listen to all views, clarity of vision, the ability to inspire, conviction and courage.

In good spirits,


Barack Obama is either the reincarnated Abraham Lincoln or spiritually connected to Martin Luther King who has inspired all walks of life not only in America, around the world as well. It was a devastating agony that the world lost a charismatic persona that changed the social malfunctions of that time for ever.
Today, America and the world are at the highest point of happiness to regain that inspiration 40 years later. But live at the lowest of lowest life creating inequality and animosity at home and around the world. America needs to bring changes that make the world a liveable place without fear, war and spending and building unnecessary arms to destroy each other.
If I say that Barack Obama means equality, liberty and fraternity, I would not be further from the truth. In the so fast changing world we live in, change is so inevitable and only if that change is transparent and accountable to all. I believe the American people would make that judgement with complete care and honesty to vote for the person who would bring those changes to live not only the highest life, the happiest with equality,…..

Barack’s personal journey has been so admirable and encouraging overcoming overwhelming living hardships and the loss of his father early on and his mother to sickness and later death is a testimony to his unshakeable strength, determination, compassion, perseverance, honesty, integrity and ability to deal with obstacles, anything and everything, no matter how big, that stands in his way.

Therefore, my fellow American brothers and sisters, sons and daughters, I urge you to vote for Barack Obama who would bring about those changes you and the world need to live with dignity, high spirit and economic prosperity leading all humanity to a common goal-PEACE, LOVE and the Pursuit of HAPPINESS!

In good spirits,


Barack Obama is not only eloquent, with that ability to speak both to you and to speak for you, he has a quality of thinking and intellectual and incredible emotional honesty that radiates from his presence is extraordinary.
Barack Obama clearly has an impeccable academic credentials and longer legislative experience than Hillary Clinton. Obama’s congressional records show that most of the Bills he has written became Laws.
Experience is not necessarily a function of age; otherwise John F. Kennedy, formerly a junior senator from Massachusetts, who turned out to be one of the greatest leaders in the world, 44 years old when he entered the White House, would not have become the leader of the United States of America.
Senator Barack Obama is the twenty first century God sent Messenger of peace to save the world.
His honest preaches and words of wisdom are very much like that of John F. Kennedy. There is a uniqueness and conviction in Barack Obama’s speech delivery. The similarities between John F. Kennedy and Barack Obama symbolises: the youth, the magnetism, the natural grace, the eloquence, the wit, the intelligence and the hope of a new generation.
Barack Obama also has tendencies of President Lincoln. Like Abraham Lincoln, Barack Obama challenges United States of America to rise up, to do what so many of us long to do, to call upon “the better angels of our nature”.
Come on! America this is a genuine wake up call. This is the biggest and best opportunity for you to elect Barack Obama as your President, if you want to live in equality, fraternity and liberty with the rest of the world.

May God Bless America
May God Save Obama
Ingood Spirits,