Tuesday, August 31, 2021



The pandemic virus has brought the worst of human fallibility when dealing with each other and loved ones. It’s very disheartening to see families die without seeing their loved ones because of the lockdowns and strict admission restrictions.
There’s no doubt that everybody wants standard adjustments and the lockdown to go. The so-called slogan of “STAYING APART KEEPS US TOGETHER”, "GET VACCINATED"... seemed good idea at the time, but ultimately, attested futile and curved into a morbid impression that troubled people’s emotional states. People’s lives have been grief-stricken and colossally changed forever by the lockdown far more than the epidemic virus. Businesses collapsed, jobs diminished, families fragmented, the effects of mental illness is becoming intolerable and the freedom of living our lives to the fullest has been compromised. Like flu or any other ailments, the virus is here to linger on for some time and we can’t keep padlocking our lives forever.
Every Australian state's Premiers have been very authoritative and dictatorial in dealing with other leading bureaucrats and restricting Australian citizens to travel to and from each state without requiring entry visas (almost). It’s hard to tell who is leading the country as the states have their own leaders and very reticent to take orders and work with the country’s officially and federally elected leaders. It’s puzzling at times to identify who is in charge of Australia.
It’s time that we should get out of our business as usual comfort periods of complacency and open to changes and restrictions that are taking place permissible to save our lives.
The law enforcing authorities, generally, the police must not exercise their power to intimidate people to issue unthinkable fines at first contact and should give strict warnings to be fined if they repeat the offences.
The rules imposed were unfair, inconsistent and confusing while sporting teams, their swags and families are able to travel interstates, tested and vaccinated people have been restricted from going back to their homes after visiting other states, banned to visit their dying families while the rich and famous allowed quarantining prior to visits.
What’s the purpose of vaccination and screening people for virus free if they’re not free to meet or see their families and even other people? This system, deceptively, may appear to limit the spread of the virus, but with this here to stay virus tormenting society more than any other endemic disease, distressing businesses and some closing down, an extensive rise of mental illnesses, public isolations as we’ve never seen before even if the condition considered harmless, will continue to distress us unless other ways of preventative technique is executed.
Instead of isolating the person and lockdown the region that was detected with the virus, locking down the entire country, state, city and the rest of unaffected suburbs is an absolutely dumb founded approach and a reckless method.
Authorities, always, must use commonsense and detailed preferences in their stride before abusing their power and issuing fines to the already financially and socially anguished/deprived and isolated individuals by the epidemic virus.
We don’t want to repeat what we already know, but call for public responsiveness to change existence back to normal as people should be able to take responsibility for their own lives.
Let’s all respect the law and each other and live up to our potentials, because we’re all together in this frenzied time and we’ll come thru this only if we march together, unfortunately not in isolation.