Saturday, September 14, 2019


Like my generations, I grew up in a multi-ethnic culture and loved it deeply to this day. Unlike some of my generations, I said some because of our old-school generational tolerance to changes, learning a positive attitude and honestly and decently expressing the truth goes a long way in achieving knowledge and mental peace in my over 40 years mindfulness practice and thereby keeping grounded by managing my own stress, free of any restraints. I promptly transformed myself to be able to adapt with the rapidly changing social orders of the Western World and beliefs without stubbornly staying with my old safe haven traditional social creeds. I stand back but not remain silent and don’t let the daily hassles grind me down. It’s too easy to become angry and cynical. There are millions of reasons and excuses not to do things without hating anybody out of the ordinary.

You don’t have to hate someone or be abusive to speak up and tell the truth about your opinions that are nothing to do with being negative or even swearing without finger pointing at anybody.

I say to those people who are suffering from society’s positive syndrome, don’t give a f#%k, it’s time to open up your mouth and tell the truth without fear of recrimination. I certainly don’t. Don’t what? Don’t give a f#%k for telling the truth without losing my humility because I honestly started swearing off my frustrations and disappointments without directing at anybody. Do you know what I mean? I don’t give a f#%k.

Please, don’t get me wrong that I’m angry or there’s something wrong with me. You don’t know me, so, don’t judge and disappoint me more. Even if you do, I’m not the same anymore, I got older and…; you know what I mean. I don’t give a f#%k. I’m just opening up an honest reflection of communications without withholding spirited opinions for fear of being judged or hated by others.

So, don’t point your finger at me, you don’t know me. Either empathise with me or follow your parental or environmental upbringing to continue doing with no remorse. Kids follow their parents’ practices and people in general learn from other people how strangers treat strangers/others. It’s a vicious cycle to follow. Hate, love and racism are all learned behaviours.

Have you ever noticed that hate and racism are learned behaviours? I agree that hate and racism are learned behaviours and unfortunately they start at a very young age.

Think about it; if you’re raised and have seen everyone being treated in the same way and looked at other person’s skin and started to view, interpret and define your world, you have learned a bad habit. The trends of educations and all good or bad intentions that we have learned as a child will stay with us for life.

I have been looking for something that proves that one is born racist and it has proved nothing. In order to determine if someone is born racist, they must be put in neutral environment and then see how they react to another race. All they have shown is that people can be influenced by their relatives and environments at an early age to be racist, good or bad, haters or lovers, alcoholic, become addicts and all the other behavioural tendencies.

I defiantly come to an agreement with those evaluations because children’s thoughts are based on the thoughts of their parents, family members, peers, media, environments, and among others.
Like every migrants, I respected the law of this land, appreciated this country for allowing me to sworn into be part of its society and pay my allegiance during citizenship ceremony to obey and honour all the regulations befitting my rights. However, like the majority of migrants, I was pressured by society in my day-to-day dealings to renounce my parental given name to a more simplistic, fitting & familiar Anglo-Saxon name in order to earn a decent assimilation. Like all migrants who came to this country, of course, with the exclusion of the first arrivals, I didn’t change the nation’s culture, names of places & decimate existing ones except enhancing a rainbow of multinational and multicultural aspirations trying to fit in in order to live in harmony.

The pressure of changing the birthright name, no matter what, is an unacceptable deal in any society. Remember, we needed to change the thoughts NOT the names. That should be the Holy Grail rule.
To put the story in perspective, this dilemma of the Western world unable to or don’t want to say other names other than the familiar Anglo-Saxon labels started in my first destination in Europe and my friends seemed happy and even related my new name with stars of the times. Please, continue reading the full story:

Absolutely, avoid judging anybody you don’t know. As for me, you have no idea what a f#%k has been happening in my life since my birth.

In life, like everything else, change is a vital course of existence. If changing everyone’s given name is an acceptable way of life, why can’t we change history of the old badges of honours & make a reputable transformation for our country? We all change as time goes on, so is the rebuilding of the nation after natural devastation, invasion and unification with another nation. Whatever happened eons ago are history whether migration or invasion; it can’t be redeemed. However, one thing is certain that we all can change.

Please, contain yourselves from being hatemongering and antagonist for having or showing my different views than yours and making any assumptions to judge me and for what I stand for because whatever you say wouldn’t be a characterization of my persona. We all can have different opinion without contentions. It’s just my genuine worthwhile insights, observations, thought provoking submissions and propositions for change and I don’t mean to offend anyone for no apparent reasons. I hope you think and focus on the subject matter not the messenger. I treat and respect all people with my solid course of action of mind over matter. If they’re not likewise, I don’t mind & they don’t matter.

We must live an authentic life in an authentic fashion. It’s a sensible thing to do in the digital age technology where everybody is wirelessly connected, somehow, NOT connecting.

We must be brave and prepared to be hated for being authentic than loved for being dishonest. Being honest may not also get us many friends but it will always get us the right ones. As it’s the case in the social media likes and shares outlets/posts/events.

Positivity is an endearing passion and humility without the pressure of political correctness that takes all the realities and jokes out of life and life out of everything.
This leads me to talk the truth about the AFLW player, young Tayla Harris who was being immortalised on statue in Melbourne’s CBD recently. If this doesn’t show the reflection side of racism, what will?
My intent is to provide analytical opinions for the society, who believes in one common cause, communal transformations, one country and a unified multicultural population whose hopes and aspirations for justice, freedom and opportunity are similar and equally distributed regardless of ethnicity, race where they came from and religious practices.

As Derryn Hinch used to say “Shame, shame, shame”, on his National Current Affairs TV debuts, I also say, shame on the instigators, for putting the young Harris through this nightmare at a time of her emerging livelihood.

The Carlton player’s famous airborne kick, which triggered a social media storm and trolls in March, is getting a statue for facing famous trolls and sexists online. What seemed funny at the time gone spiral as a media stunt making her candidate for the unearned/undeserved fame?

The question is the 22 years old’s statue isn't justified, for a footballer who has played just very few AFLW games and kicked fewer than her time, ahead of other Australian greatest athletes such as Cathy Freeman, Jeff Fenech, Anthony Mundine  and Adam Goodes among others with no reputable statue or status. Sorry, if I make your eyebrows raise and jaws drop. Sorry is also an ostentatious and contentious gesture they’ve been offered, to hush-up more complaint from happening, but didn’t translate into practice. Hey, I don’t give a f#%k! That’s the truth!
Aha, the swearing (f#%k) I’m making is also a natural course of life until someone changed it into an abusive and aggressive behavior/manner and it became unacceptable. How about if it was accepted traditionally as a way of life not to be bothered or understanding it not as an abuse but considering it as something we all use to go on living. The damage is already done, but we can unlearn it. More on that on another day!
 As for the above mentioned indigenous stars, they are the people who made a difference not only in their field of endeavours but also speaking up as strong advocates in the community in which their people live as a second class citizen.
How about all the other AFL players, the VWFL, players, the SANFL players and the WAFL players who have been playing long before her?
Harris herself commented on Triple M radio, “I haven't done anything to warrant a statue as a footballer in my footballing achievements, but I have been involved in something that was a movement”.

That’s probably a different development of actions against women’s sexual harassment; she’s talking about, collaborating two entirely different causes. Honestly, definitely, her little experience and fewer goals kicking persona can’t be an amassed justification to present her with a statue only to encourage more abuses for using her to promote the highly regarded and praiseworthy cause.

We all have been following traditional & cultural lines of misguided or the not so favourable practices of beliefs or many sorts that our fore parents did for the same motives. That’s the very reason I don’t feel any animosity against our fellow human beings for tragic errors of the past. However, it’s absolutely disheartening not to do anything but we’ve an abundant and wasted opportunity to destroy our world.

A better and more peaceful world can only be attained by societies developing basic principles of altruism, supporting others thru individual empowerment, practicing non-violence and self-development thru inner transformation.
There will be times when we shouldn’t compromise our core values, our integrity, and we should have the moral responsibility to speak up in the face of injustice.
It’s not rational anymore to accept that the “Western” world is democratic and the rest is “Undemocratic”. This is a misconception that merely rests on vindictive thinking of dichotomy and things don’t have to be accepted just the way it is anymore. 
The rule of law or democracy is not an advantage that we can automatically get because we are in a certain environmental location or upbringing. It is rather an innate virtue we all humans are entitled to enjoy. If we accept anything that’s just the way it is, nothing will change and neither can we.

Let’s all not take sides or condone it, but stand up to the problem.

Let’s do our part!

Say no to racism!

Stop the violence!

All lives do matter!