Saturday, July 2, 2016


Unless we change our inner mental programming to fit our inner emotions and remain with unobscured authentic self, the conditions of our life still remains the same whether we have the power of a king, the prestige of a movie star or the knowledge of Einstein –we win some & we lose some. Without inherently changing to match our thoughts with actions, changing our names or possessing the earthly desires of material benefits that may stimulate our needs temporarily, no guarantee to attain a lasting contentment. 
We have to recognize that imperfections are normal and we need to be gentle with ourselves & others, not to get irritated or discouraged when we don’t meet our expectations and those of others. No matter how hard the situation might be, we can try until we have used all possibilities within our reach to change untenable and unavoidable conditions.  We should be spontaneous to do, say or even post what we think and feel instead of seething, covering, wallowing and immersing ourselves in a pool of judgement erroneously.

Everyone is born a sleepwalker. Everyone faces a point when they wake up and realize they need to take ownership over their lives to truly live. This does not mean that our lives before this point have gone to waste. Whatever has happened in our past up till this point, happened for a reason. It has been a journey no matter what, when, where, how, it has been a precarious trip or road map to new opportunities in allowing us to learn, grow and become the person we are today.
As I was growing up, I was slowly gaining consciousness through random encounters in my life. However, I was still largely a sleepwalker living out other people’s visions and goals, such as media, marketers and advertisers, the society, friends, family, etc. I was missing my own comprehensive vision in life. It was when I was transitioning between graduating and moving on to the world of working life that I was jolted awake and decided to live my life contented braking away from the old traditional mindset, rhetorical & unrealistic believes with no fruition.

Whenever I look around me, I see sleepwalkers droning their lives away, people running fervently in the rat race and in their rat wheels, people busy trying to earn money for a better life for the future, people who do not know what their lives really stand for, people wasting their existence away, people denying themselves of what they really want on the inside and not knowing what they truly want and resorted to living an anxious life despondently.
How can we build a society where everyone thrives, when we all go in a different directions and belittle each other’s’ efforts? It is long overdue that we, as a people, admit that we have serious problem at the foundational level where our interactions with each other are not principled and our value systems are deteriorating with the influx of digitally controlled life styles, at home, meetups, public places and screening even while we’re walking. Maybe I should open a DIGITAL FREE RESORT somewhere out there, yeh? Good idea, but more on that later!

Consequently, the main problem in making our lives work is that our ego & rational mind keep us trapped in playing out the security, sensation & power demands that we programmed into our bio computer during our lifetime’s journey when we are stuck in the ineffective ruts that make us like a yo-yo –bouncing between pain & pleasure.
Whether we accept our pitfalls sooner or not we have to also agree that not everybody is going to like us. It’s a hard act to follow but powerful lesson to learn which frees us to create the best life we can hope and enjoy conspicuously. All these remarks are nothing to do with being negative.

Again, it’s society’s view to resolutely label people who express their views candidly.  We created needless disconnections resulting in social divisions and hatred instead of deepening our relations with equal opportunity in a rapidly changing world. We must not ignore our universal values to speak our minds about diversity, tolerance, equality and about any issues we value and care about.
TIME FOR CHANGE is my leitmotif blogspot for posting statements based on universal values of diversity and communal creed of dignity of all people to share my views that matters to all of us. We must remember that nothing stays the same, if we can’t agree in life on everything and anything; ultimately, we all agree that we all die no matter in what circumstances. Do we agree on that? Do you say what you think?

Your time starts now! Can you start doing the right thing and saying what you think honestly, starting right now by responding how you feel about my observations? “YES YOU CAN”!  
“I do not agree with what you have to say, but I'll defend to the death your right to say it".  –Evelyn Beatrice Hall

I, for one, feel honoured to be able to pass on my extensive experiences, everyday life dramas, untapped philosophies and wisdoms that life has offered me through numerous events at various locations in different countries both the bad and good during the course of my endearing life’s journey with sheer perseverance and strength. SM