Saturday, June 29, 2013

FREELIEF is a non-profit project & the first of its kind dedicated to creating acts of kindness & doing universal good in Australia, and the humble beginnings of the project today is meeting needs of the population far beyond the capacity of government, and leading to the formalisation of FREELIEF, with a broader purpose to support the poor, refugees, jobless, asylum seekers, homeless, the distressed, the aged, and the weak.
Donations include, but not limited to, pre-loved & latest ladies’, men’s, children’s, work & casual clothing and other accessories such as mobile phones, computers, books, cassettes, vinyls, CDs, magazines, glasses, caps, hats, bags, purses, home products and many more items are given free of charge to individuals & families.
FREELIEF is dedicated to helping children, families, refugees, jobless, asylum seekers, homeless, the distressed, the aged, and the weak in our communities to reach their full potential by tackling the causes of poverty and injustice providing their immediate needs.
FREELIEF meets the specific needs of individual people through direct support services, and also works with whole communities, connecting people across gender, age and cultural divides to create a renewed sense of optimism and belonging.
FREELIEF is devoted to collecting generous donations to provide assistance to people whose survival is in crisis, threatened by violence, neglect, exclusion from care at no cost irrespective of race, religion, creed or political convictions, at a chosen venue.
Currently our donations come from non-governmental sources such as private & individual donors.
FREELIEF operates independently and conducts evaluations & basic requirements on the ground to determine individual needs before facilitating the delivery of the best required assistance in the community.  
With the purpose of assisting everyone equitably, to receive help from FREELIEF, proof of one or two assessment verifications of the followings are required:
  1. Refugees unable to sustain their day to day expenses & incapable to qualify for any other help
  2. Homeless
  3. Families receiving centrelink benefits
  4. Jobseekers & students receiving centrelink assistance
  5. Men or women affected as a result of economic disparity
  6. Young people who can’t afford to fulfil their needs
  7. A person is entitled to 5 different items at any one time. (e.g. clothing, electronics, books, household &.)
  8. A person may receive donations again after one year period, thus, to accommodate everyone equally.
  9. Natural disaster & fire victims 
FREELIEF is strongly committed, based on the humanitarian principles to provide independent, ethical & impartial assistance, helping those individuals & families who do not have extra cash to buy them.
As committed individuals, at FREELIEF, we are neutral & do not take sides in providing care on the basis of need alone, and pushes for increased independent access to victims of crisis as required under our strict principles of basic humanitarian guidelines.

FREELIEF is rightly prepared to raise help, create awareness and advocate with individuals, business owners & local governments on humanitarian concerns.
FREELIEF will organize meetings with benevolent individuals, and arrange regular speaking events and activities across venues deemed necessary to direct & obtain more help.
Simeneh Makonnen, a consummate professional, employment consultancy and community development  & a leading pioneer in establishing, the two major institutions, the first Ethiopian Community Association  & African Soccer Club in Australia.
Halakhe Ganyu, Social Worker/Counsellor & Psychotherapist who amassed extensive experiences in counselling youths, adults, couples & families as well as appearing at various motivational seminars & provision of the African communities frequently.
We are both, refugees fortunately settled in Australia for so long, driven by our quest to help people by changing their trashes into treasures to help others & our own will not to accumulate material wealth until we are gone.
In our work experiences & community related activities, we often witness violence, atrocities, and neglect in the course of their work, much of which occur in places that rarely receive humanely attention.
At times, we may speak out publicly in an effort to bring a forgotten crisis into view, alert the public to abuses occurring beyond the headlines, criticize the inadequacies of the aid system, challenge the diversion of humanitarian aid for political interests, or call out policies that restrict access to personal care or essential needs, unless we all do our share, these causes might fall into deaf ears.
Even though we have limited financial, human, and logistical resources, we are committed individuals campaigning, operating independently and impartially to provide assistance for people caught in crises in our community & around the world hopefully attracting more talented volunteers to do their share by working together in accordance with our basic guiding principles of humanitarian ideals.
We have already witnessed the need in various communities as a result of economic disparities where different crises are constantly recurring and some charities selling donations to those people at excessive prices.
Subject to our guides, to operate successfully, we will manage our project honestly and ethically creating an environment of trust, empowerment, respect and mutual support building and improving on the task entrusted to our care, working together as a team leveraging our talents and skills in a spirit of cooperation and trust, being fiscally responsible, keeping administrative costs low & inexpensive while ensuring the highest possible quality services to our community.
"An individual has not started living until he can rise above the narrow confines of his individualistic concerns to the broader concerns of all humanity." - Martin Luther King Jr.
For a charity it is perhaps even more significant considering as non-profit organisations depend on the goodwill and support of individuals, the business community and government for their ongoing existence.