Tuesday, July 22, 2008

What is it, Racism, Sexism, or Everything?

I am commenting on an unnecessary opinion Robyn Riley, from Heraldsun Australian newspaper, (www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,,23415573-5000112,00.html#submit-feedback.) has made against Richard Williams regarding the racist allegations, she assumed, he has made on behalf of his two professional, remarkable, tennis players, Venus and Serena. His perfectly brilliant comments are the deep rooted grassroots racism that has made not only his life difficult, the lives of every black in the world.
She failed to grasp the weight of his comments that they are neither ego nor delusional. As far as I know he is a perfectly healthy and caring father who has observed what has been happening to his tennis wonders regardless of the wealth they have gained from playing tennis, endorsements and their personal motivation to get in to the industry dominated by white fashionistas.
She needs to wake up to her conscience unless she perfectly denies that racism never existed and does not exist.

Australia is long way from accepting blacks into their community. The government’s intention to take in minute percentages of refugees from Africa comparing to other European countries is a perfect example of modern day hypocrisy and they are taking them because they are pressured by an international community and humane organisations. In the new millennium Australia still continues to show an implicit form of racism. ( www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,,24416160-661,00.html )
In case you haven’t noticed if you watch the news and sports on TV or read Australian newspapers, they are only showing or commenting on white winners, be it Australian or other, in the tennis or any sport competitions.

On any of the Australian media including SBS, which used to be the media outlet for ethnic communities, Barack Obama the Illinois Senator who is the American Democratic Presidential, hopeful, nominee, is hardly mentioned on the news, however briefly, except when there is negative news against his name while the rivals, John McCain or Hillary Clinton, names come up about hundred times if they managed to score a good point even if it doesn’t make any differences at all. This is an indirect racism and hypocrisy purposely trying to sabotage and suppress reports in the media for the promotion, advancement of black entrepreneurs and empowerment of power and prestige.

It is a perfect example of modern day racism that still bothers our white community unable to accept black advancements in all areas of achievements. Is it just pure sexism, racism or combination of everything? How many blacks suffer from the effect of racism in finding employment? (www.theage.com.au/national/hope-is-alive-despite-the-knockbacks-20080731-3nzq.html ) (www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,,24195608-2862,00.html ) It is so implicit and cruel even the most educated end up driving taxis and working in factories to support their families. The organizers of Wimbledon are at shame about the game for playing Venus out of the appropriate court she deserves as a defending champion.

The Australian media reports or writes very little if any on the Williams sisters. Always reflect at their lowest of lowest form, especially, channel 9 for not showing the women’s, Williams’s sisters, final when it was clearly indicated on the weekly TV programs. What about if the final was not all in the black? The Newspaper media pulls off sexism with infinitely greater pledge. What a dull and infantile article they write, sometimes. Hey, I say to you, crawl out of the Stone Age and into the 21st century. It’s time for change.
The Williams sister’s game has many strengths and even the most blue-collar of tennis fans could see that. It is so sickening to see the newspaper Medias are also biased that they hardly write about black sports' achievements.

I for one am looking forward to seeing the sisters rewind time and take us back to a great time in tennis. This year's Wimbledon has made for quite a good story. It's always interesting to see two sisters face off in a final, especially when they have such differing on court personas. I would much rather watch them than watch someone like Federer, who has got the game but no on court persona whatsoever and so boring with no charisma. At least Nadal helps to keep things interesting though.

Also you should remember that because the sisters have been equally impressive in the doubles competition you failed to show it.
Wimbledon refuses to give equal pay to female athletes. In a world where inequality between the sexes still exists, it is thus very important for the All England Club to send out the message that: Women are just as capable of making the same achievements as their male counterparts. No one should be discriminated in any ways for something they have no control of.

The talk about Venus and Serena spending times outside tennis has been going on for so long that it is becoming tiresome to hear. For one, it is their lives. Unlike some tennis players who struggle to go past the first couple of rounds of a grand slam, despite the fact that these players have almost no life outside tennis, the Williams sisters have managed to accomplish so much while wining a combination of 14 grand slams. With results like that, who can question that they are not "Full time Professionals"? And as outsiders, we do not have the right to judge the way they choose to live their lives. After all, if an actor can write books, why can't a tennis player design clothes?
I think the media and everyone should wake up to their conscience that the time for change has come. Face up to the reality, tolerate and accept black people's achievements, enough is enough, how long can you go on dominating your fellow human beings.

We need media vigilance against racism’s permanence, its modern implicitness and its insidiousness. Racism will always be with us in a more implicit manner than past treatment of aborigines and South Africa’s former apartheid policy and African-American segregation calamity. The responsibility is more accentuated for policy makers, political and community leaders, educators, religious groups, the mass media and the police, as they attempted to steer the community to moral, empathetic and humane ends. It is a social tragedy that this inhumane treatment still exists in today’s society. Further reading ( www.news.com.au/heraldsun/story/0,,24035840-2862,00.html ).

So I say to my dear Robyn, you need to further educate yourself about the predicament of racism before engaging your brain in this very sensitive and grassroots domination by white population. You need to liberate yourself and reflect your ideology in a way that is acceptable and enlightening to others. Don’t do unto others, what youth don’t want others to do unto youth.

In good spirits,